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Session 78: Scallywags: The Thunder Behind the Salty Siren

General Summary

The bar is beginning to be torn apart, as Aikhon thunders the tables over, and Lady Sasha dismounts from her carriage, barreling through the glass window to assist Ilknar. He is now free, and he attacks and orc pirate with abandon, eventually swining the creature above his head, then locking him to the ceiling with the giantkin's immovable rod.
Pojin, Brimstone, and eventually Lady Sasha hold a group of hobgoblins at bay near the main door. Lady Sasha soon moves on to her carriage, deestabilizes and breaks up two of the other goblins from the main building, and she tramples another of the humans that Aikhon sees as he tries to escape.
Aikhon also sees some inquistors from the Faces watching outside, and even Ilknar and others will not let him run away from this fight. So, he hops through another window, and throws one of Vumpesh's caustic thunder charges to destabilize these watchers, those who would definitely warn others that they, The Crimson Fleet and the sons of Dovah are in Feon, preparing for war.
Roland, Kevdae, and Mila separate a zile and a minotaur. Mila traps the minotaur in a magical shield, and Roland with Kevdae's assistance curb stomps the zile against the jam of the door.
However, this throw soon sets others running, but also a bugbear gunning for Aikhon. However, the group is able to stop them, loot them, and then see if they can move on without more dead bodies coming back for them as consequence.
Report Date
12 May 2024
Primary Location
Secondary Location

Cover image: by Seth Love


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