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Feon (Fee on)

This is a den of thieves, a city of sin, and a lair of pirates. Feon thrives off those wanting a place to get lost and their coin quickly spent. Brothels, gambling dens, fighting pits and much more await the weary sailor trying to avoid the Faces of the Kings tight rules.


This is a very, very diverse city. 
There are many humans and half humans, most reside in the King's Faces, or with the Knights of Ne. 
There is also a district on the western beaches and docks for refugees from the Cladd. 
Additionally, the immigration to and from the Lands of the Animaesus has lent to a smaller district for these animal-kin, mostly squamata and ratuess, but there are others.


There is the Court. The audience decides by their screams of joy or horror, or their boos of disdain. They decide if they want blood, music, or pain; joy, adventurer, or passion are there to count as jury, too.


Locals tend to love this town, and they have fought for it in the past.
However, each district does support its own guard or militia.
The dwarves, well many of their citizens make their pay about defending others in the city.
The King's Faces has about 100 soldiers within their gates.
Animal Walk employs a dozen or so Walkers, hearkening to the law of the homelands.
Ne District, well, each knight has about a dozen or so squires that serve them, vying for the coveting position upon the Chronloc Isles. These knights do oversee how the other districts defense hold up. There are a few knights left, with a few dozen squires, but not many.

Industry & Trade

West Light House:

The lighthouse is a generals store. It is ran by a human woman named Theelie You, who comes lands far, far to the east they say. (page 15 of City and Wild Guide, Urban assortments).
Western Lighthouse Docks and Trade: small Library of the Seas (pg 19, small store). Gnome librarian: Peekar Feit Fit Beren, who is from Grindstone's Grain .
Western Light Animals--(basic stables, page 22).
Two Inns: Salty Western (lodging, simple food) and Frothy's Bumble (fine, modest tavern and restaurant).

Dwarfdom and Docks: Each place is also its own tavern.

Dwimbles Adventurers! (basic shop, page 10). Dwarf Dwimble family runs, 17 workers, all from the same family.

Thore and Thimble's Alchemy: Dwarf and halfling best friends. (Small alchemist shop, page 12).

Amor's Blacksmith (urban blacksmith, page 13). Also, a temple of Moradin. (pg 24)

Three basic General Stores run by Thrumble (half-orc trader, a descendant scion). (page 15).

Roum, a dwarf sea-ranger, runs a small leatherworking tannery.

Seeou Falas, an elf trader, an expert gem historian. He handles the gems seen in and through the dwarf district (basic, page 18).

Endro Earthchild, goat master, and traveler of the hills (small stables, but mostly focuses on goats).

Froum's Spinners, dwarf tailor (small, page 23).

Blood and Gold's Alley (small black market dealer, open to the public pg 25).

Stone Sails: large, but nowhere near the size of the Ne Harbor (urban, page 26)

The Giggling Galeon A permanently docked, decommissioned, and renovated Dwarven warship. The residents of Dwarfhold have turned it into a popular lounge for those who prefer the sea over dry land. On the deck, public activities can be participated in, such as dancing, music, dueling, etc. As you decend into the 4 levels, the activities become more private (and extravagant). The bottom level is only accessible via reservation. It is highly visible to anyone ciming from the western sea. The hull is stained a dandelion-yellow and the sails are the color of a fresh orange. It flies a flag of a smiling sun on a black background.  

The King's Faces:

  Abandoned tavern for incoming delegates (wealthy, page 27). Formerly: The Silver Storm. Rumored to be a premium black market dealer. They are also a cable stables (basic).
Temple of Savras (small)
Temple of Cuthbert
Temple of Helm
Temple of Rao

Abandonded Storage Facillity: 10g per day for a 10x10. Up to 100g per day (ship storage). (large human family, NOT associated with the Knights of Ne.

The Crown Jewel(s) More commonly known as “The Crown”, a tavern situated within the Kings Faces that is a social hub for the neighborhood. Visited by squires and captains alike. Perhaps less inviting than other taverns, unfamiliar faces are often glared at if not accompanied by a known kings man. It looks like it was the center of a few fights, but it still stands.

Animal Walk

Each one is also a Tavern/inn of similar quality:
Walk of the Thunder Lizard: basic adventurers and general shop.
Fallen Iron: small, blacksmith. Squamata run since district's inception
Skins of Barur: basic tannery and leatherworking and stables. Only one in the city. (hunters volunteer to run, but run by Aves).
Clothes of the Creatures: small tailor shop. Musceli older couple.

The Willow Wench - who says druids cannot be industrious? A full figured druid that works out of the Animal Walk. An alchemist, brewer, and herbalist. Her place of business is a giant willow trees central within the Walk. A normal tree from the outside, You have to climb the tree and once inside the canopy you magically enter a small shop. She has every concoction you might need but she doesn’t trade in coin but in other items and gifts.
—- Tinker Tails—— Junkyard run by ratfolk. Some stuff has been salvaged, some stuff probably stolen. They take people garbage or lost belongings, fix it up, and sell it. Their stuff is cheap but guaranteed to work (75% of the time). Run by two ratfolk brothers. Their sign is a rat’s face with whiskers made out of tinker’s tools Locals know to enter the store with as little as possible. Employees known to steal from your pockets and sell the items (sometimes right back to the victim)

Ne District and Docks

ABANDONED Formerly Arven's Alchemy
Former Blacksmight: Throan Falls: urban blacksmith.
2 general stores within the district, small, run by the Knights of Ne.
Attacked and partially destroyed: Vareem's (formerly and sons), Transport, Docks, and Goods: Urban: Basic Tavern as well.
The Evermoor A tavern catering to the goblin folk passing through Feon. A small tavern sandwiched inbetween a butcher and an alehouse, this smelly destination features classic goblin dishes that remind them of their home tribe.
The Cellar Underneath the Evermoor, The Cellar is a place of expensive drinks, expensive women, and devious sycophants. Wine and Bourbon aren't the only money makers in The Cellar...

Open Ride

The Salty Siren - Your favorite ride in the Open Ride. One of Feons oldest brothels, this place is falling apart by the seams. Also has some of the oldest "talent." What happens in Feon, stays in Feon... except for the things you pick up in the Salty Siren.
The Hoes of He: Hezekiah's many lovers and children...
The Coral Cut Known locally as “the cut”, the place to go for unique and exotic weapons and armor. Located at the docks, this smithy is run by tritons/merfolk and showcase the unique crafting they have developed in the seas. They are also proficient in enchanting weapons as well.


Brothels, casinos, gambling dens, and places to trade illegal items.


West Lighthouse and Docks:

Other than the One dock, this is the smallest district in the city. It is run by the Lighthouse Master, a human Dwealt Durmain. His family has looked after this place for over one hundred years.

Dwarfdom and Docks:

This is the second largest district, and the dwarves control one of the major docks.

The King's Faces:

The most recent district, an envoy from the king about twenty years ago. There is no free roaming here, as most is a distribution center for the trade they are attempting to control. This district as of 698, 14--many have been called back to the King's Isles. 

Animal Walk:

About fifty years ago the first squamata arrived, and now the animaesus have a thriving inner island trade.

Ne District and Docks:

This is the largest and founding district of Feon. The two largest harbors and docks are here. The shipyard is here also. Similarly, as of 698, 14, many are wondering of the Neans will ever return; their loyalty to the Faces of the King must be devout. 

East Lighthouse:

Much larger, and older, than the west lighthouse, this is one of the few neutral zones of Feon, where the west house is strongly influenced by the dwarves.

Open Ride:

The 'middle' of the city, Open Ride is where the most lucrative saloons, taverns, brothels, and gambling dens are.



stone trade, metal trade, gem trade, small private harbor. 

The King's Faces:

most of the gold and magic items are here. Nothing above rare.

Animal Walk:

skins and hides from the island.

Ne District:

There are many stables, but not many mounts nor carts anymore. Yet also: harbor taxes (these are High, but there are not many vessels), general taxes from everyone. Yet, even they pay to the king. The King came calling. 

Open Ride:

the lowest of the low, but drinks and flesh are readily available.

Guilds and Factions

The Knights of Ne

The Dwarves of Fire (smiths and warriors from the Cladd)
The Walkers of the Animaesus


The knights of Ne were called by the Faces of the King, for his dragon knights, 698, 14.


This is mostly dwarven stone that has been hewn by human hands. The follow the flowy styles of the Faces, with odd countenances spread amongst the walls.


The mountain and crags that run central through the main isle create rolling rivers and ample fresh water for any to take. Yet, this also invites a merging with the sea, and tensions about the beaches rage. There is no real beach here, mostly crags around the main island, that rise up over ten feet.



Natural Resources

The rivers and the sea provide ample fish and other resources from the waters. 
The mountains allow for grazing goats and sheep, and many a commoner helps feed Feon and the Chronoloc Isles with this bounty. 
There is minimal wood but the dwarves have begun some quarries to help export stone and create all the the buildings upon the isles.
Founding Date
Alternative Name(s)
Sin Isle, Lost Passions
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization


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