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Session 83: Scallywags: The Beach, The Island, and the Shadow in the Hold

General Summary

Aikhon prepares trades and travels to brethren; Roland receives a new attire and militaristic accoutrement for his new prosthesis as delivered from the famed Grindstone's Grain; Mila prepares for her own travel in order to casts spells of legend and lore; Ilknar spends time training in other languages and skills; Lady Sasha spends time with the crew and prisoner.

But, it is the late afternoon, and Ilknar is greeted on the beach by an old friend, his cousin, Xiloscent, a Storm Giant Quintessant and loyal warden to the Storm King's Throne. The large female storm giant, adorned in maroon cloth and skirt, and jewels befitting the station as king's warden, joins the young half giant on the beach, and they sit for a few moments enjoying the waves. 
She is glad he is safe, and she knows the merfolk and merrow have watched his trails, his adventures, and they lead her to Ilknar again. She asks if he has found his birthright, the Scepter that will control the throne. However, she also warns Ilknar, the young king, that if he has not sat on the throne by next summer, the merfolk may very well claim it, and the crab people from the central sea get ready to make moves north, pushing on to territories of his never before squandered. 
He tells her he thinks the sceptre is held by the Faces of the King, and Xiloscent sneers at the idea, at the King Boveen of the Wall, and how his throne is not what he thinks it is. Xiloscent is apprehensive to tell Ilknar of this, but she does inform him about his grandfather, when she was a child, no bigger than Ilknar now--how his Grandfather claimed the right of the throne for the Wall, the Sceptre was the image, and the throne was his, but then, the former King before the Faces' King Boveen, the dwarf lord Kahlassar, he fought Ilknar's Grandfather, but the throne was split, taken by the fallen king to the depths of the sea, and the sceptre was lost. She teaches Ilknar with this history of how the Wall is not all knowing, that the gods and others acknowledge that mortals may know how to save their own world if given the chance. The Sceptre is that chance, for it will summon the Throne. Stormhold is but a vestige of the throne, a place to hold it; whoever wields the sceptre commands the true divine kingship as ordained by the memories and deities of Barur. 
Before Xiloscent leaves, she charges Ilknar's left arm with lightning, and a mark is left. This will summon her to her young king, Ilknar, if ever he needs aid. He is left alone on the beach to comtemplate his new understandings, his hope for his own people in the Ordning, in order for a sanctified future. 

Meanwhile, Mila has been preparing for her travels back to the strange Rainbow Island, where George was conjured, and nascent fonts connecting to the weave still purr. She uses her magic to teleport there, and she situates her ritualistic circle, incense burning, and chanting begining. She mentions her need for an understanding into the Wall's purpose, to know why so much stress has been put upon it. She stands barefoot, waiting for an answer, continuing by saying, "Listen up, help me understand its purpose--to help this land, my people, our people; no more chaos, murder, of dragonborn nor anyone. Barur, Ma'am, sir--what does the world need?"
The font, the geyser connecting to the Divine castings and spells, erupts, and in its periodic spouts, she sees through the eyes of other creatures. At first, it is from the view of some ancient dragon, one diving to fight, seemingly endlessly, hordes of strange creatures. Roar upong roar, and fire breath incerating everything along the way, there are still more creatures rising. They rise from a claw mark in the lands, a tear in reality, and these creatures are ruthless, relentless. Mila soon realizes the hordes are comprised of demons and devils, many low ranking, vying for acceptance and torturing those who stand against them, with other strange aberrations leading the charges. Trolls and lizardfolk had also gathered together, acting as infantry and guards for these strange creatures. 
Then the image changes, and Mila sees through the eyes of another, someone larger and stronger. She knows, some how, it is the great platinum dragon Bahumat, and he sees him gathering many druids and clerics of the ancient world, races and beings without names to the modern peoples. Bahumat gathers five of his first children, and Tiamat his sister, is supposed to gather five of her own, but only two arrive when the day comes. Only two stand with the mages, fight with the druids, gather warning and fear with their brethren of many races and for many, many centuries. They fight. And they summon The Wall, to seal and protect, to give the Material Plane, Barur, an chance to grow and prosper. The Wall is the seal. Without it, something akin, and worse, to what happened in Grindstone's Grain over a decade ago would be what the Material Plane is to all beings: chaos. 
Mila takes a few hours to gather her thoughts, say a few 'Ah Fucks', and then make her way back to the Call. She presumes, by this point, that King Boveen cares very little for this Wall, and especially if he has any idea of these legends, he care little at all. 

During these proceedings, other members of the Scallywags follow their own devices, and we find ourselves following Aikhon, using his own magic, harnessed through an odd staff that was taken from ancient hoards long lost, and he teleports to convene with lost family and friends. He has found his way to Conf, on the Regent islands, in the rented hut near the riverways of his brothers, Feanger Dovah and Steadfast Dovah. Feanger was attacked by some strange assailant, red and with horns, but with a strange bat-like nose. 
They talk of their dealings, of their next steps, of the King and Thej and Torth going far west. They talk of the King, and how they are not worthy of their title, and how tehy will join Aikhon in their attack against Boveen. 
Aikhon then meets with Torth and Thej, and he wishes them luck on their journey. He spends three more days in the Regent Isles, where he locates 4 sending stones to help connect him to Feanger and some of the other officers of the Call, as well as getting a periapt of proof against poison. He has to do some haggling to be sure, but he is more than successful. 

Lady Sasha spends some time with the crew, and plays cards and games with many of them, hoping to gain some more insights in to the crew, and maybe even deceive some of them from her own intentions in these games. She also begins research in how to evolve her weapon into her next levels, powers, etc. She finds her weapon brims with power and needs a great event to seal its faith, or a greate expenditure of gold to achieve its new strength. 

Mila convenes with Roland some time later, and they talk of his arrangement with Garm's contact, Lady Mess, and she finds that Roland has no intention of revealing this to the crew or dragon brothers, for he does not trust its source. Mila does find Roland stress testing his new guantlet and arm with some of his kobold friends aboard the Unshackled Horizon. 
Mila also arranges with some of the crew, but Pojin, Kevdae and others too, for tattoos. 

Later in the evening, after those days pass, Mila and Roland meet for their fated arm wrestling match, to test Roland's new strength. Roland narrowly beats Mila, in a test of two out of three, and then Lady Sasha steps up to test her own agains the powerful High Mage, and she also beats Mila. Mila's own surprise echoes with another below deck, Gyc? He standing guard outside the Brig, and something has attacked him. 
Others join in, and Ilknar is the first to engage with the dark shadow, but then others, as Ollie has knocked Gyc unconscious, and she trails into the brig after getting the gith's key, and she finds Lady Sorcenel, the wife of Uhmar, and she breaks the lock, even with Lady Sasha and Roland, and then Pojin coming to engage with her. Yet mila's paralysis magic is too strong, and even when that fails, Aikhon soon arrives, and he casts a calming spell, allowing for some dialogue to finally foster. 
They talk of the King, eventually, as the reveal to Ollie's master, and how she seeks his approval after falling from his graces. She needs Uhmar, or proof of his existence. But having that fail, she must leave. They talk of the Queen, and Ollie does not believe the Queen will have any power in these situations, even if she is the archmage. She cannot believe her king would act in dark ways, nor does she have any knowledge of the dragonborn plight. She knows of Bangrim, who has pent the better part of these three days waiting for his long lost friend to actually be here, to see him, to talk. 
Thus, Mila offers to teleport her, and she offerst to cast her magic again, to see the lore and pasts of the King. And when the arrive on the Rainbow Island again, when Mila casts the spell and taps into the divine geyser's power, allowing for Ollie and all the others to see, to see the truth of the King: and outside the wall, beneath its shadows, a line of people files into a hole, never to return. Well, bones, dragged out in baskets, pile hundreds of feet north. Some of them does indeed leave.
And Ollie cries.

Cover image: by Seth Love


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