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Session 84: Scallywags: "The Coming King"

General Summary

Ollie kneels before the rainbow fonts, tears flowing down from the magical image shown. She stands, and firmly claims that she will kill him, and the others know she means the King. However, they also know, and Ollie would too, were her emotions not on fire, that doing so, facing the King alone, will only end with her death. They try to convince here to stay at least, and at best, that should join them against the King. She agrees to the former, after some tea created by George, but it is unsure if she will join them for the latter. Ilknar also reveals to them all, maybe to also convince Ollie of her true purpose, that he has been told, that Ilknar will be the next Storm King, and that, traditionally, before the rise of the dwarven lords, teh Storm King was the King of the Wall, too. They also learn of Ollie's past, involved in two great wars, or expnansions, the giants in northern Allura, and even further north, joining the human lords as they attempt to defend against the onslaught of the Fugue Plane in the lands, and then, they, the Human Empire, being the only vestige of truth to withold against this undeath for all of Barur. Nevetheless, they return to the call. 
During this evening, Aikhon begins to arrange the transfer of goods and funds in order to hasten the pace of the remaining upgrades to the Horizon's Call, but he eventually takes rest on Saerah's ship. 
The dreams of the Scallywags are riddled with the thoughts of the stories they heard today: of the king and his line of dragonborn to be slaughtered, of his dragons, of his might... and then it shifts, to a visions of their own, with George, within their own astral selves, upon a cliff face, above the seas below. They see, and the teleport instantly next to, two rowboats, with three human sailors aboard one, and two aboard another. Yet before they, the Astral Scallywags, can even begin to understand the muffled conversation of these sailors above the waves of the seas, one shots out to duck, and all do, the sailors that. For what dives down, the Scallywags seemingly, instinctually, follow. It is a black dragon, large in size, but still capable of hefting a rider, and then astride they see on odd, black scalled, furred and enraged coyote-kin of some sort, and it and the black dragon dive beneath the waves, into a small cave just below the waters edge, where the rowboats had been waiting. Just in the cave, two forms wait, and they all look on to a fourth form beyond. The two forms closer, a half dragon of some sort, and then an odd looking tiefling, watch as a half-orc beast of a creature tries to heft his dire flail out of a gold dragon's skull. Once he does that, he drops his flail, draws a knife, and expertly begins harvesting a draconic heart, something he has obviously done many times before. 
At this, the small, strange coyote-kin runs to hand the half-orc the letter as the large creature tears the heart from the gold dragon's chest cavity. The astral view begins to shift, and they try, the Scallywags, to see what is on the letter, but they are only able to make out one word before, the king, they have learned, puts the letter away. He thanks the coyote-kin, calling it Long Mist, and then he barks out an order, the king does, to the half dragonkin that has been waiting so patiently. "Get your ships ready, Sighadd."
The Scallywags then watch, or finally remember even, after they awake from this strange dream some hours later, that the King Boveen trailed further into the cave of this gold dragon, and he finds its kin, calling the eldest by its draconic name. Another wyrmling hides behind the eldest teenage dragon, and four golden eggs remain. 

The next morning, the Dovah brothers awake in a roar, and Ilknar brings his glasses with him to the meeting, garnerning everyone together with Chatulkik's annoying help. Kevade begins breakfast, and they begin to lay plans for how their initial plans may not fully come to fruition, at least finishing all of the remaining upgrades for the Call before King Boveen arrives with his ships. Some wonder what Aikhon had done, but his kind were born to hate, it seems. They presume they have about 20 days, at least, but they are hoping of the rumors of Kobold warships and merfolk rebellions will keep the King's fleet distracted for a few days longer. 
Here Roland also presents the deal he had for 10000gp worth of dragonglass to be smuggled north away from the eyes of the Regen Proper. However, the Scallywags reason it would be more worth their gold to take/steal the dragonglass for the own means against the King, and also to subvert the king, force him away from Feon and the Chronoloc Isles. They will also gain funds from their own bounties, but arrange for breaks from prison along the way. Roland gets nudged a few times about Lady Messy.
During the evening of this next day, Saerah informs them that she saw a strange hobgoblin on the performing an even stranger ritual in the sand. 
Lady Sasha, this evening, asks for the doors to be shut. She usually lets the guards listen to her storytelling.
Report Date
07 Jul 2024
Primary Location
Secondary Location

Cover image: by Seth Love


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