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Session 87: Scallywags: The Molydeus Tried for Feon while Western Sunrise Fell

General Summary

It is midnight, and the Scallywags stand on the dwarven docks, some facing with the Molydeus, and others chasing succubi demons, wretched demons, and the claws of the manes. Yet, Aikhon faces the depths below, and the way they shine scare him from further venture east, so he helps Rovain, the dwarf captain, against the presumed summoner, a hobgoblin chaos catalyst from Claddenrow. This Hobgoblin, this chaos catalyst, had marked Feon, the souls to be claimed for Seraphine, the Lady of the Flame Mountain, the Singer for the hammers beneath Claddenrow.

Ilknar has his focus, this Molydeus, but Sasha has its sword, but she is soon faced with the Molydeus' own marilith demon, and Mila still has access to the gifts of Barur and its dance with the weave. The gnome unleashes strikes endowed with the power of wind, yet harnessed into steel, and the other crew follow suit with other deathly attacks to fend against the demonic horde: Nethpione creates the acidic breath of a dragon, Saerah pelts force magic to assist, and Firi gets close enough for sneaky shots and ghostly essence to work toward the demons' ends.
Brimstone joins from the north, and with even the help of Horizon's bow, and soon Reggie, the dwarf, flies in, using magic for damage, magic missiles of force, the take care of many of the lower ranking manes and wretched demons. 

Moreover, abord the Horizon's Call, Roland begins to line up a shot, and the Molydeus starts to retreat, his own ship now loading cannons, with Ilknar, the giantkin, as the main target. They fire, and with this, Roland fully readies two of the canons, with Gyc, Western Sunrise's, Pojin, and Lady Sasha's attendants' help. Two shots only, but more than enough, for first the snake head and tail of the Molydeus becomes mist, and then its own wolf-head is gone. And roars, cackles of anger and sadistic joy.

The Marilith charges toward, teleporting to Roland, and as soon as Aikhon fells the hobgoblin after Rovain pushed it in the water, the boat behind--he sees Thwent face a horde of creatures, but Mila's magic continues to onslaught; Brimstone engages with the Marilith before teleport, and Lady Sasha breaks the Molydeus' weapon in an effort to intimidate the other demonkin, which is most successful.

With this, the combat soon breaks into many fronts, and the demons attempt to charm Ilknar, these succubi, and Sasha and Brimstone keep the bosun in check, and soon, the remaining demons retreat if they have any sense, and those who do not fight to the bitter, joyfully sadistic end.

Yet, the Marilith makes her way to the Call, teleporting and slithering quickly, and just before Reggie is able to teleport close to aid. The marilith ignores the stout Roland now aboard the Call, and she tears past to the others, but first to Western Sunrise. Six quick strikes, and he falls in three chunks, instantly dead. The others roar and cry, and soon they all follow suit to attack and assail with their own grief; the marilith falls. Well, Lady Sasha falls upon her, and once prone, from such a height, over 150 feet, it is not long for the crazed demonkin is slashed and pierced to such effect their body cannot hold its continuity. 
100 years will go by before they can come again to the plains of Barur. 
Meanwhile, Mila has teleported to one of the escaping succubus. Yet, one does escape, they know.

They then discuss the proper end of West, his funeral. His snakes wish to take him to the sea, but they see the need to burn the body before he rises as an undead within the next twelve to twenty four hours.

There are songs and goodbyes, and eventually, they all head to a much needed rest.

Cover image: by Seth Love


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