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Session 90: Scallywags of the Greycoasts: Spellbook Deceptions

General Summary

Lady Sasha walks over to Captain Brimstone, and she attempts to give him only 1000g of the 2000g that should have been, but the Captain was astute enough to see this ruse. 
Aikhon sees the King's Seeker and sea mage, and he crosses quickly, frightening many--the lot muttering of Dovah, Aikhon, or even the fear and elemental essence that any dragonkin can evoke. This prompts Lady Le Stanun, Lady Messi, and their mercenies to ask for Roland's aid, but it is slow to be given. The intimidation wrought, the group begins to back away while Aikhon focuses his wrath upon one. 
They agree to only have three stay behind, and Lady Le Stanun is forced to stay behind as well. Roland wishes for more of her aid, albeit briefly. 
Lady Sasha brings many of the other new crew, the powder crew, most eager, and others, for gambling and fun below. There is Freydis, a Skaldyr cleric, and Kronk a scion warrior; Pemi, a feon local, turned fugitive, and goliath loyalist to Ilknar's kingship. 
However, once out in the bay of Feon, the western ways, the crew gathers around their new guests, and Roland asks Ilknar for some of his powers of the seas, to aid, to give a group the ability to walk over water. It is here that Roland, Mila, and Ilknar convince this group of six mercenies, including Jeff and Steff the Scallywags imprisoned days beforehand, to walk away. These follows of the Devil's Gambit know what this means: their death, a hunt for them, but at least a hunt they will have a chance to face. They will not get this choice from the arrival of the King. He comes after the Crimson Fleet, and they must one day face him. They reluctantly agree, take the spell, assuming it will end shortly, doff their weapons and armor, and then run across the water--for their very lives. 
The crew begins to rest. Aikhon returns to Saerah's living, garden-like vessel. She has found some new friends a kobold inventor, a pair of Locanth, fish people, and a troll of some aquatic origin. 
Before bed, Roland meets with Ilknar, and they discuss about Mila's spellbook, and how they wish to take another look at it. Deoy overhears this, and he agrees to help them get it off of the wizard. While Roland distracts her--speaking of friendship and loyalty to crown and crew after all is said and done--after she has cast her tiny hut to protect her as she sleeps, Deoy sneaks behind and unlatches her spellbook from her waist. He dashes away and drops it off to Ilknar, who now is confused--the steps are fully in circle--so what does he do? He whistles as he walks away, passed Roland and Mila talking, and Deoy sneaks away. 
Roland notices the escape of the other two, and at this, it take advantage to warn Mila of Deoy's treachery, of how he has taken her spellbook from her hip. Mila begins the search. She finds Deoy below, in his chambers, after assuming incorrectly he would be in a more darker spot aboard the ship. She forces her way into his room, and he quickly gives Gyc's name up as the real culprit, and Mila sees this path through. Gyc is woken up by her, a few minutes later, and she pressures the gith for where her spellbook might be. Give it up. But why would Gyc, who does not cast spells, have such a magicl item? 
With this Mila returns to Deoy, but he has disappeared. Thus, she sets up a magical door in his very room to her own dimensional mansion. She will lie and wait for him upon this time. 

Meanwhile, Aikhon has swum over to his sisters vessel, and she and Vumphesh are enjoying a drink. Valentha hugs her brother, but does not want the serious voice he is about to share, so she departs to enjoy her time more with the kobolds below. Aikhon sees Gridley is still tied up. Maybe Valentha will give him some water tomorrow, the affection and tooth thief. 
Aikhon then breaks away to talk with Vumphesh, sharing his coveted dragon ale with his silver scaled brother. Vumphesh enjoys the drink more than the seriousness, but he listens eagerly nonetheless, for his copper scaled brother, Aikhon, wishes to know if dragon glass is something the lost catalyst could know. Vumphesh only knows rumors, of the elves and the daggers and spears, but never something of this larger quantity and scale--but how much could be used, for it is must be shaled, and done incorrectly, this could ruin so much. Vumphesh agrees, but he must experiment with a sample first. 
Aikhon says he will bring some when he can, and he leaves his brother and sister to the Unshackled Horizon. 

The next morning, the crew awakes to the open seas, and another chance for adventure--but still anxiety near, for the king follows, the dragons will fly overhead. 
Yet, Mila needs to still search for her spellbook, and she waits for Deoy, but seeing him not show up, she then goes to the Captain and offers a warning of her wrath and power when her stuff is touched without her permission. By this point, Ilknar has delivered the book to Roland, and Roland has hidden it near the rowboats on the main deck. Aikhon sees this, and he takes advantage with the Captain and others to try to calm the gnome mage down, but she is too angry. Roland then plays off like he just found the tome, and he gives it to Mila, finally. She takes it, and leaves golden dragon scales behind. Aikhon's eyes are drawn to them, and he approaches, and he sees the dried blood upon them. 
He mistakes Mila's position for his own pride for his kin, and he rises in anger at the mere thought of a dragon's end. Mila starts to walk away after protesting the dragonborn's lack of insight, and Aikhon begs Roland to speak to her on his behalf. Brimstone even attempts to magically compel Mila stay, and she almost stays to raise a fist to the Commodore of the Crimson Fleet. 
However, Aikhon seeing the golden scales, he stops his brother from enacting more, and Mila stiehls herself to walk away below, and then teleport to some place away from the crew. Aikhon sends the crew back to work, to organize and clean the canons. 

Lady Sasha takes advantage of the crew's distraction to move closer to Auna, and she talks of recent rumors of the arrival of a Scion Juggernaut. However, even Auna believes this to be strange news--especially of one that is plated--for these vessels have been decomissioned for more than 25 years, as far back as 50 years ago. Helene had heard from Kevdae that Mila had seen a strange vessel the morning before, and perhaps Mila needs to explain more. However, Sasha is unable to locate the gnome, so she goes about her business, and goodness, Kevdae's rolls smell good this morning. 
Mila has been in Pojin's room cooling off, and she waits for almost two hours before she leaves. She hears her father and others up stairs, Nethpione, Kevdae, George and she hears Ilknar laugh too. She joins them, and the others notice her lack of engagement and her quiet. She soon walks away, and goes on deck. 
Ilknar suggest that Pojin, her father, should go speak to her, but he doesn't, and Ilknar goes out alone to talk to his rival. He nudges her for attention, and he mentions how Mila hurt Kevdae's feelings, but Mila just wants him to go away. 
Ilknar persists, and he asks about the book. Is it really just the book? What else? It has to be more than spells. Why is Mila so ruffled? Seeing that Ilknar is not leaving, Mila brings out her spellbook once more, and she shows him the image, the only image perhaps, that she has of her mother, Ilknar presumes. 
Ilknar feels guilt, and he suggests that Deoy is an ass, and that the next time this occurs, Mila should let Ilknar take care of it. 
Mila appreciate the gesture, and she even smirks to herself as Ilknar walks away, somewhat comforting her sorrows. Ilknar goes back below, and again he suggest that Pojin should be the one to speak, but Pojin simple says he must go back to hammering today.

Should Deoy above shooot Ilknar below as he speaks to the gnome mage?

Sasha climbs up in the crow's nest, and she finds Deoy waiting. Deoy rats out Ilknar's involvement in the drama, and then they both take a few moments to take in the scenery, for the Lady Sasha is worried of the portents, the king, the dragons, the Juggernaut, the Molydeus--they must keep both eyes open, and at all hours of the day and night. New watches need to be established. 
Lady Sasha finds Mila, and Mila quickly learns of Ilknar's involvement. But he clarifiies, that they rarely come up with an idea on the first action. However, he does not rat out Roland, the progenitor of the idea, and he condemns Deoy's actions again. 
Again, they all go to enjoy some of Kevdae's excellent rolls. 
Aikhon has returned to Saerah, and he scries upon the scales of the eldest of the three golden drakes, and he finds himself viewing an odd encampment, and he sees a scaled, but human hand grab a golden axe of some sort. In the reflection, he sees red-bearded face, but with golden and fiery eyes. He watches this ceature rise and seemingly joke with his other compatriots. Aikhon even notices a map of the area, and he tries to understand its placement to their own. He shares this imagery with Brimstone. 
Then he goes to gather Lady Freydis, for he believes this encampment was Skaldyr, and she may be able to assist with this map correlation and understanding. 
Mila finds Brimstone on the main deck, and they face off and stare-down and up to each other more than really talk, but she does apologize for her threats earlier. But she warns again that the crew need to watch themselves. Brimstone suggests that if she hates this place so much, that she she should fly away. But she does not know this spell yet. Indeed, her duty to ensure the Scallywags do not turn the Faces Lands into that of the Scions is her main goal. Innosence need not to be lost. Brimstone notes these concerns, and they stare until he needs to walk away to be captain. 
Roland takes some time to draw the Inquisitor statue into his own room for a coat-wrack. 
Ilknar practices hide and seek. 
Brimstone spends some time with the crew. 
Aikhon sends a magical message to Feanger than the Crimson Fleet will soon arrive, and they can take revenge on any of the King's members their on the Regent Isles.

Cover image: by Seth Love


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