Bildarth Cantemir

Bildarth is is an older portly gentleman with ocean blue eyes framed by crow's-feet and a golden monocle. He has a neat thin silver moustache and a small amount of hair clinging to existence on the sides of his head. He dresses in fine attire and has an air of nobility about him.

Bildarth is the proprietor of Bildarth's Mercantiles; a simple store that sells a large array of goods at a high price. He is friendly enough, for a Barovian, though tends to be interested in only trade. Can prove to be helpful if persuaded, but even still his wares tend to be exuberantly expensive, especially when compared to what you're used to in Bas-Lag.


  • Mentioned that Mad Mary's Daughter Gertruda was kidnapped 3 days ago, though the woman has always been a bit crazy even prior to this incident... never let the poor girl out and if you ask him he thinks she just ran for it

  • Gets most of his supplies from the Vistani as they are able to come and go as they please through the fog, hence the high prices

  • Believes that Strahd may well be a curse put upon the land in retaliation of some kind of ancient sin

  • Mentioned there's been a lot of screaming coming from the church the past year but doesn't care to check it out, its none of his business nor is he a religious man

  • There are many camps of Vistanya but one of the main groups is camped at Tser Pool just outside of town along a dirt path that veers right from the main road

  • Has agreed to repair Karijotas's Heavy Crossbow - will take 3 days