
Entry Requirements

Skills: Medicine at least +8  Knowledge (arcana) at least +8 ranks.
Special: Ability to cast 3rd level arcane spells.
Alignment: Generally speaking, non good

The biothaumaturge (sometimes called a chirugeon,) is a specialist capable of manipulating living flesh to an extent well beyond the capabilities of other practitioners. Most notably, the biothaumaturge is well versed in the art of splicing and manipulating bodily appendages and forms – a key component of Remaking. The most famous work of biothaumaturges are the Remade of New Crobuzon. Some Remade incorporate machinery into their forms, but others resort only to living tissues. Many of these pitiable Remade have been deformed horribly for the sole purpose of torment. However, there exists and underground market for beneficial and combat-oriented Remakings as well.

The Punishment Factories of New Crobuzon exist for the sole purpose of deforming individuals in humiliating and excruciating ways. Here are just some of the horrendous things a biothaumaturge is capable of:
Rerouting a victim’s intestinal tract, placing the anus at the back of the throat.
Placing a victim’s torso on the body of a horse, like a centaur – but backwards, facing the horse’s rear.
Grafting a victim’s dead baby’s arms onto her forehead.
Melding living creatures into a victim’s flesh, such as replacing hands with living spiders, or grafting a perpetually angry fox sticking out of a man’s chest, or replacing a victim’s beard with a chicken.
Giving a victim a multitude of eyes, overwhelming the brain’s capability to process, resulting in constant overstimulus.
Grafting a mass of useless limbs onto a victim, such as giving him a wreath of giant cockroach legs around his neck, or a score of human arms sprouting from his back, or useless dead-weight tentacles hanging from his chest.
Melding a victim’s wrists permanently together.
Moving the entire face onto the victim’s chest, instead of the head.

Role: The biothaumaturge continues to function much like his base class on the battlefield. Out of combat, the biothaumaturge has the ability to potentially enhance his allies or mutilate his victims.

Abilities: A high Wisdom score is necessary to perform the Profession (biothaumaturgy) checks needed for grafting.

Hit Die: d4

Class Skills

Weapons and Armor:
The biothaumaturge gains no extra proficiencies in weapons or armor.
Spellcasting: At 1st, 3rd, and 5th levels, you gain new spells per day and an increase in caster level (and spells known, if applicable) as if you had also gained a level in a spellcasting class to which you belonged before adding the prestige class level. You do not, however, gain any other benefit a character of that class would have gained. If you had more than one spellcasting class before becoming a biothaumaturge, you must decide to which class to add each level for the purpose of determining spells per day, caster level, and spells known.

Flesh Grafting Capability (Sp): Only the abilities of a biothaumaturge are sufficient for the task of grafting and melding flesh. Through the use of specialized clayflesh hexes, this ability allows body parts of various creatures to be spliced and reshaped. This process is complex, timeconsuming, and equipment-extensive. In order to perform any graft, a biothaumaturge first needs to purchase the equipment necessary to furnish a surgical suite. This includes all of the machines, thaumaturgic implements, and alchemical concoctions necessary to sedate patients, keep them alive through very long surgeries, keep disembodied parts alive, and splice them together again. This equipment costs 5,000 gp and can be purchased in New Crobuzon, and in several more of Rohagi’s more technologically advanced cities.

Grafting requires materials. These materials cost 75% of the listed “price” in the options seen below. The graft also, obviously, requires the body parts which are to be grafted onto the subject - in order to graft claws onto a subject, one must first be in possession of the claws. Finding these can be more of a challenge than the grafting procedure itself. A very few specialty dealers carry these sorts of parts, and the New Crobuzon Punishment Factories have their own private stock, but many times a biothaumaturge or the willing subject must track down the required body parts themselves. Grafting is never a fast procedure, often taking many days to complete a single grafting. The time needed for each graft is given in each listing. A great deal of skill is also necessary for these procedures. Each day, a Profession (biothaumaturgy) roll is necessary for progress to be made. This roll must be made once each day the procedure is being performed – if the roll fails, the graft will proceed, but the day’s work will amount to nothing, and thus the time needed to complete the graft will be extended by a day.

Minor Grafting (Sp): The biothaumaturge is capable of performing the simplest grafts, typically replacing or adding small organs or bodily areas.

Size Altercation (Sp): Using his specialty equipment, the biothaumaturge is now able to artificially grow body parts so that they match the size of the subject. For example, insect parts can be severed, enlarged to human-sized, and then put onto a human. It takes a week to grow a small body part to the proper size. Prior to having this ability, the biothaumaturge is incapable of performing any of the listed grafts which require enlarged body parts.

Bodily Spells (Su): With an intimate knowledge of the intricacies of bodily functions, the biothaumaturge has an increased ability to use his thaumaturgy to manipulate the bodies of others. At 2nd level, any of his spells which involve any of the following attributes receive a +1 bonus to their DC. This bonus increases to +2 at 4th level.

Moderate Grafting (Sp): The biothaumaturge is capable of performing the more complex grafts, typically replacing hands, feet, or limbs.

Rapid Grafting (Sp): The biothaumaturge’s experience allows him to cut the listed grafting time of an operation in half.

Major Grafting (Sp): The biothaumaturge is capable of performing the most complicated grafts, able to replace large portions of the body and manipulate the most delicate of features.

Healing Spells (Su): If he doesn’t have them already, the following Cure Wounds spells are added to the biothaumaturge’s list of potentially knowable spells: minor, light, moderate, major, & critical.

Grafts: There are infinite possibilities when it comes to the grafting of body parts. In theory, nearly any body part from any creature can be grafted onto a person, with many possible permutations for each addition. Grafts fall into two main categories, beneficial or harmful. Since no player character would want a harmful graft, those can be left to your imagination. Some of the most obvious beneficial grafts are listed below. The Price indicates what a prospective customer would pay for the graft, which includes materials.

If a biothaumaturge wishes to gift a graft to an ally, materials cost 75% that of the listed price. The Graft DC indicates the Profession (biothaumaturgy) roll necessary for the graft. This roll must be made once each day the procedure is being performed – if the roll fails, the graft will proceed, but the day’s work will amount to nothing, and thus the time needed to complete the graft will be extended by a day. These listed options are by no means all of the possible grafts that a biothaumaturge is capable of. Your DM is encouraged to work with you to imagine many more beneficial grafts for your game.

Note: Having said that, the subject of wings deserves a special mention. The grafting of functional wings to a person is infeasible in the extreme. Firstly, even if enlarged wings could be obtained, a standard biped would still weigh too much to fly. Secondly, attaching working wing muscles and joints to a creature not born with them is inordinately difficult. And thirdly, even if those problems were overcome, flying involves motions and movements that are infinitely more nuanced than simple up-and-down flapping; without the innate instincts of a flying creature, a normal biped would have almost no hope of mastering all of the precise motions required for true flight. So, when creating your own grafts, leave flight off of the menu.

Minor Grafts

PRICE 10,000 GP
A pair of long antennae sprout from the subject’s head. These complex sensory organs grant tremorsense out to 20 feet. Medium-sized and larger insects exist, but the antennae of a standard insect can be enlarged for this purpose. Donor Creature: Medium insect. Time: 2 days

PRICE 1,500 GP
The subject’s neck and forearms are implanted with patches of natural bioluminescence which are capable of providing light equivalent to a torch for 8 hours per day. The subject can suppress this ability. Donor Creature: Any naturally bioluminescent creature of Small size or larger. Time: 2 days

PRICE 2,000 GP
The insertion of a visually noticeable layer of thick blubber under the skin makes it difficult for weapons to reach vital organs, giving the subject a damage reduction of 2/piercing, as well as a +4 circumstance bonus to Fortitude checks made to resist the effects of cold weather, although this also results in a -4 penalty to checks to resist the effects of hot weather. Donor Creature: Whale or manatee. Time: 1 day

Enlarged Kidneys
PRICE 2,000 GP
By increasing the bulk of the subject’s filtering organs, the subject gains a +4 circumstance bonus against the effects of poison. Donor Creature: N/A. Time: 3 days 48

Eyes, Darkvision
PRICE 10,000 GP
Eyes from a nocturnal beast replace the creature’s normal eyes. They grant the subject the darkvision ability with a range of 60-ft. Donor Creature: Any Medium creature with darkvision. Time: 2 days

Eyes, Fish
PRICE 2,000 GP
Fish eyes replace the creature’s normal eyes. They grant the subject a +4 circumstance bonus to Spot and Search checks while underwater. Donor Creature: Medium fish. Time: 2 days

Eyes, Hawk
PRICE 7,000 GP
Hawk eyes replace the creature’s normal eyes. They grant the subject a +4 circumstance bonus to Spot and Search checks, as well as a +2 circumstance bonus to ranged attack rolls. Donor Creature: Medium bird of prey. Time: 2 days

Eye, Rear
PRICE 5,000 GP
The subject receives a complex graft, installing an eye in the back of his head. A normal human brain is not equipped to receive complex visual stimuli from two separate sources, so the vision in this eye is not perfect, however, it does grant the subject a +2 circumstance bonus to Spot checks, and renders the subject immune from flanking by giving him allaround vision. No headgear can be worn for the eye to be able to see. Donor Creature: Any Medium creature with a standard eyeball. Time: 4 days

Fangs, Poisoned
PRICE 3,000 GP
These long, sharp fangs allow the subject to deliver poison (1d6 Con/1d6 Con, Fort DC 17 negates) with a bite. If the grafted subject did not possess a bite attack, it can only bite a grappled or helpless creature. Donor Creature: Any Medium or Large venomous reptile. Time: 2 days

PRICE 1,000 GP
The horns from a bull are grafted into the subject’s skull, giving it a gore attack. The gore deals 1d6 points of damage. This renders the subject unable to wear unmodified headgear. Donor Creature: Bull. Time: 1 day

Jaws, Predatory
PRICE 3,000 GP
The upper and lower jaws of the subject are replaced with the maw of a predatory animal, giving the subject a natural bite attack which deals 1d6 damage. This arrangement is not natural, and subjects can have difficulty speaking, resulting in a 10% spell failure chance for any spells with a somatic component. Donor Creature: Any Medium or Large predator with a suitable jaw, such as a wolf, big cat, or bear. Time: 3 days

PRICE 7,000 GP
The subject’s nose and nasal cavity are excavated and replaced with the donor’s, leaving the subject with a visibly different nose. The subject gains the Scent ability. Donor Creature: Any creature with the Scent ability. Time: 3 days

Tail, Monkey
PRICE 1,000 GP
The addition of a thick simian tail gives the subject a +2 circumstance bonus on Balance, Climb, and Tumble checks as long as the tail is not restricted. Donor Creature: Medium simian. Time: 2 days

PRICE 2,000 GP
The subject is grafted with the sensitive whiskers of a cat. These are not normal hairs, but instead are attached to especially sensitive nerves, allowing the individual to subconsciously perceive the air currents of his nearby surroundings. The subject receives a +2 circumstance bonus to Reflex saves. Donor Creature: Any Medium or Large predatory cat. Time: 2 days

Moderate Grafts

Arm, Mantis

PRICE 6,000 GP
GRAFT DC 17 One of the subject’s arms is replaced by the giant arm of a praying mantis. This grants the arm a naturalclaw attack which deals 1d8 piercing damage per claw. The subject also gains Improved Grab as an extraordinary ability. This arm obviously lacks a human hand. Donor Creature: Mantis. Time: 2 days

Arms, Meaty
PRICE 5,000 GP
The biceps and triceps of another creature are grafted to supplement the subject’s. This gives the arms of the subject a grotesque bulging appearance. The subject gains a permanent +2 Strength bonus. Donor Creature: Any Medium or Large vertebrate with arms. Time: 4 days

Eyes, Insect
PRICE 7,000 GP
This complex graft completely retools the subject’s skull, giving him the eyes of an insect. These unblinking, multifaceted eyes give the subject a wider field of view, resulting in a +2 circumstance bonus to Spot. In addition, they provide a +4 circumstance bonus against any gaze attacks. Donor Creature: Any Medium insect or enlarged insect. Time: 5 days

Foot, Clawed
PRICE 5,000 GP
Both of the subject’s feet are replaced by the splayed talons of a large bird. This grants the feet a natural claw attack which deals 1d6 damage per claw. The subject also gains a +2 circumstance bonus against bull rush and trip attempts, and a +2 circumstance bonus on Balance checks. The subject can no longer wear footwear. Donor Creature: Any Large bird. Time: 3 days

Hand, Clawed
PRICE 5,000 GP
One of the subject’s hands has wicked claws grafted onto the ends of his fingers. This grants the hand a natural claw attack which deals 1d6 damage. The subject takes a -4 penalty on any check involving fine manipulation. The subject can no longer wear unmodified hand-wear. Donor Creature: Any animal with a claw attack. Time: 3 days

Hands, Gecko
PRICE 7,000 GP
Both of the hands are replaced by the sticky grasping hands of an amphibian. These grant the subject a climb speed of 15 feet. Donor Creature: Any Medium gecko, newt, or frog. Time: 3 days

Hands, Webbed
PRICE 5,000 GP
The subject gains a webbing between the digits of his hands, granting him a +4 circumstance bonus on Swim checks. He becomes unable to wear traditional gloves. Donor Creature: Any Small or larger creature with skin. Time: 1 days

PRICE 12,000 GP
The subject is grafted with gills on each side of his neck, a complex procedure which requires integration with the subject’s natural respiratory system. The subject becomes amphibious. Donor Creature: Any Medium or Large creature with gills. Time: 5 days

Ink sack
PRICE 10,000 GP
GRAFT DC 21 Normally placed inside the subject’s abdomen, with openings above the hips, an ink sack can be utilized once per day. While in the water, released ink can obscure all sight, including darkvision; creatures within have total concealment (50% miss chance, and the attacker cannot use sight to locate the target). The range of the cloud is twice the subject’s natural reach, and its duration is one minute. Donor Creature: Any Medium or Large squid. Time: 2 days

Legs, Meaty
PRICE 5,000 GP
The quadriceps of another creature are grafted to supplement the subject’s. This gives the legs of the subject a grotesque bulging appearance. The subject’s land speed is increased by 10 feet, they gain a +2 circumstance bonus to Jump checks, and their carrying capacity is increased as if the creature had a +2 Strength bonus. Donor Creature: Any Medium or Large vertebrate with legs. Time: 4 days

Tail, Crocodile
PRICE 6,000 GP
A crocodile tail grants the subject a swim speed of 20 feet and bestows the typical abilities of having a swim speed, or increases the subject’s swim speed by 20 feet if it already has such a speed and does not already possess a tail. Creatures not born with such an appendage suffer a -5 foot penalty to their land speed, as the musculature required for such an appendage interferes with normal movement. Donor Creature: Medium or Large Crocodile. Time: 4 days

Tail, Scorpion
PRICE 10,000 GP
A large segmented scorpion’s tail is grafted to the lower back of the subject, granting him the scorpion’s sting and poison attack. The sting deals 1d6 damage and the poison is the same as the donating creature’s. Medium-sized and larger scorpions exist, but the tail of a standard scorpion can be enlarged for this purpose. Donor Creature: Scorpion. Time: 4 days

Tendon Extension
PRICE 8,000 GP
A comprehensive operation to extend or replace the subject’s major skeletal tendons results in a permanent +2 Dexterity bonus. Donor Creature: Any with tendons. Time: 5 days

PRICE 5,000 GP
A tentacle typically replaces an arm or a forelimb, in which case the creature gains a +4 circumstance bonus on grapple checks. This now-handless limb loses the finemanipulation skills of a human hand. Donor Creature: Octopus or squid. Time: 4 days

Major Grafts

Arm, Serpent

PRICE 10,000 GP
The subject’s arm is replaced by a long-flexible snake, head included. The grafted creature can make a bite attack with his arm, dealing 1d4 points of damage plus poison 1d6 Con/1d6 Con, Fort DC 17 negates). The subject takes a -5 penalty on any check involving fine manipulation. The subject can no longer wear unmodified hand-wear. Donor Creature: Medium venomous snake. Time: 5 days

Arms, Extra
PRICE 25,000 GP
The dream of every combatant is to possess another set of arms. This is no easy task: spinal connections, socket joints, and the required musculature involve very complex manipulations. A creature can only possess one extra set of limbs, and even that is pushing it. Two-armed bipeds have no instincts or experience regarding the use of these limbs, therefore extra willpower is required for their effective use. In a situation involving fine motor control (such as a skill check,) or a stressful or demanding situation (such as combat,) the subject must make a Will save (DC 19) for each action, or suffer a –6 penalty on all attack rolls, saves, skill checks, and ability checks until the action passes. Use of a shield using one of these arms in combat requires the same check, and failure results in the negation of the shield’s AC value. Use of a spell with somatic components using one of these arms requires the same check, failure results in the failure of the spell. Donor Creature: Same race as subject. Time: 10 days

Mucus Sheathe
PRICE 10,000 GP
A mucus sheathe actually involves extensive skin grafts, resulting in the subject being constantly coated in a thin layer of mucus. This layer adds 10 feet to the creature’s swim speed and gives it a +10 circumstance bonus on Escape Artist checks. It also reduces the subject’s ability to gain traction, and thus imposes a -6 penalty on grapple checks and a -1 penalty to melee weapon attacks, as the subject must work harder not to lose his grip on what he holds. Donor Creature: A dozen slugs, snails, or mudfish. Time: 6 days

Pain Reduction
PRICE 12,000 GP
It would be folly to remove one’s sense of pain, but it can be useful to lessen the sensation. By carefully manipulating the subject’s nerves, he becomes slightly resistant to debilitating pain, resulting in a +2 circumstance bonus to Fortitude checks. Donor Creature: N/A. Time: 7 days

Scent, Superior
PRICE 20,000 GP
The subject’s nose and nasal cavity are excavated and replaced with the donor’s, leaving the subject with a visibly different nose. Furthermore, the olfactory portion of the brain is artificially enlarged, to the point of giving the skull a distended appearance, and the nostrils are similarly enlarged and exaggerated. The subject gains the Scent ability, but with a normal range of half a mile, as opposed to 30 feet. Any stench attack or similar scent-dependent action affects the subject fourfold. Donor Creature: Any creature with the Scent ability. Time: 7 days

Skeletal Reinforcement
PRICE 15,000 GP
A thorough procedure adds mass and density to the subject’s skeleton, resulting in a permanent +2 Constitution bonus, as well as adding 10lb to his weight. Donor Creature: Bones from any Large creature, or two Medium creatures. Time: 8 days

Skin, Amphibious
PRICE 14,000 GP
GRAFT DC 25 This extensive and invasive graft replaces the subject’s skin with an amphibious membrane, allowing the subject to breathe both air and water, gaining the amphibious subtype. Donor Creature: One Medium amphibian or 30 normal frogs. Time: 6 days

Skin, Bone-Plated
PRICE 11,000 GP
A gruesome procedure inserts flat bone fragments or plates beneath a subject’s skin. The plates grant the subject a +5 natural armor bonus. If the subject had natural armor already due to a hard shell or some other kind of physical covering, this replaces that bonus. This lumpy insertion interferes with the subject’s ability to wear normal armor and is apparent unless clothing is very baggy or padded. The subject also suffers a -1 penalty to Dexterity. Donor Creature: Bones from any Large creature, or two Medium creatures. Time: 4 days

Skin, Darkwood
PRICE 18,000 GP
The subject’s flesh is infused with a thin layer of hardy darkwood. Whenever the subject is successfully hit with a critical hit or sneak attack, it has a 25% chance of negating the extra damage. Due to the inflexible nature of darkwood, the subject suffers a permanent -2 penalty to Dexterity. Donor Creature: One full-grown darkwood tree. Time: 6 days

Skin, Small-Plated
PRICE 15,000 GP
A complex procedure to entirely replace a subject’s skin, this graft inserts small armored plates onto the surface of the body. The plates grant the subject a +2 natural armor bonus. If the subject had natural armor already due to a hard shell or some other kind of physical covering, this replaces that bonus. This does not interfere with the subject’s ability to wear clothing or armor. Donor Creature: Four pangolins. Time: 7 days

Skin, Spiked
PRICE 10,000 GP
The skin of the subject is implanted with small, spiky protuberances. These enable the subject to deal 1d4 lethal damage in a grapple, as opposed to nonlethal. These interfere with clothing, and the maximum Dexterity of any worn armor receives a -2 penalty. Donor Creature: Any Medium spiky plant or vine, Medium porcupine, a hotchi, or a cactacae. Time: 5 days

Skin, Spore-Filled
PRICE 10,000 GP
The skin of the subject is imbued with that of a greenblue fungus, giving the subject the appearance of some terrible disease. Once per day, the subject can release a cloud of poisonous spores which affect all living creatures within a 10-foot radius. They must make a Fortitude save (DC 10 + ½ your HD + your Con modifier) or become fatigued. Donor Creature: Bag of poisonous mushrooms. Time: 6days

Tail, Replacement
PRICE 13,000 GP
This tail replaces the subject’s legs or rear limbs. The subject’s land speed is reduced by 10 feet, but it can climb or swim at half of its original land speed. The subject can constrict creatures of an equal size or smaller; with a successful grapple check, it deals 1d6 points of bludgeoning damage plus 1-1/2 times the subject’s strength modifier. Obviously, it can no longer use footwear. Donor Creature: Large or Huge snake. Time: 8 days