Chapter 2: The Meeting 26/06/23

The party disembarked at Raven's Gate and made their way through the factory/warehouse to The Moon & Daughter Inn and Tavern where they paused in the courtyard to pat some horses. Josiki was promptly kicked in the chest by the buckskin stallion who was most displeased by his presence. They entered into the tavern proper where they were promptly greeted by the inn keep Red Kate who recognized who they were and mentioned they have room and board paid up for the next week. The group sat by the fireplace and drank their beverages whilst a group of locals sat by the table beside the door. A large dark skinned man with glasses, a Khepri (the beetle headed woman) and an older woman dressed in business attire smoking a cigar. The man kept looking over at Carmine and was making constant movements like he wanted to come over and talk but the khepri kept pulling him down.

Eventually Josiki and Marben moved over and asked them what they were doing in the tavern (although Marben was a bit more….pointed with his line of questioning asking why they were in such an establishment with a khepri) and the man responded by saying they were simply enjoying celebratory drinks at their local pub as he and the khepri had just landed themselves lucrative contracts. Josiki wraps the two up in a hug and manages to steal the glasses off the man's face without him noticing and introduces him to Carmine.

The man introduces himself as Isaac Dan Der Grimnebulin, a scientist working out of NCU who has a client in a similar predicament to carmine, though this garuda is missing both wings and has asked that if the party finds any winged things to bring them to him and he will pay handsomely. He also indicated he would like to take some heliotypes of Carmine's functional wing and he would also pay for this. The Khepri is a renowned artist named Lin who can only speak with sign and the older woman (who watched Josiki steal the glasses and said nothing) is named Derkhan and is an editor at The Star, one of the cities newspapers.

After some back and forth discussing universities, science, a man named montague vermishank and other bits and pieces the group decide it is best to head to the mayor and find out what exactly they are even doing in the city. On the street outside they run into a man named lucky who offers to swap shazbah for dreamshit with Josiki and after he handed the dreamshit over Monty intimidated and berated the man, kicking him in the shins and telling him to know his place causing the junkie to run away.

They catch a cab to strack island and are lead in to see the mayor who has an extravagantly decorated office. Standing behind him was the man in black (who seems to be named Mont John Rescue) and at the base of the desk a large golden labrador laid curled up on a cushion. The mayor explained that 3 senators have been murdered around madam helena's playhouse and with an election coming up he can not be seen dedicating militia resources to solving this crime and has employed the group to act on his behalf. He gave them the clues that were found on the body: Half a page of scripture from the church of Darioch, A note written in undercommon and a glass eye. He mentioned he was waiting on autopsy reports from Doctor Catherine D'Souza and that Lemiel pidgeon who hangs out at The Dying Child in Brock Marsh (the same pub Isaac mentioned his warehouse was next to) may serve as a useful underworld contact.

The party decides to make their way to the playhouse to check out the murder scene and Monty hangs back for a brief chat with the mayor…