Chapter Five: The Cat is Out of The Bag 25/09/2023

The party have Jack at their mercy, the remade man netted and being held by Marben. They demand answers from him, firstly - who is this mother he keeps mentioning? As Jack explains that his mother - Doctor Catherine D'Souza has her sights set on becoming a lich and taking over New Crobuzon and has even planned some kind of attack at the ambassadorial summit on Fishday the 14th of Rinden (tying in with the note the group found on Sen. Caricossa) Monty uses the parchment of sending to notify the Mayor and send for Militia backup.   Jack continues to explain what he believes to be his mother's plan and his role in the remade group, stating they are non violent and only wish to put a stop to her plan and to give these marginalised people - his people- a home and family and that his brother only just escaped from the clutches of his mother. Futhermore, he insinuated that his father was murdered by his mother and that she is the one behind the murders of Salacus Fields.   The militia decends upon the cistern and the group make a break for the room with the locked door leaving Jack unattended and giving one of his men the oppotunity to cast dimension door and escape. The militia enter into the room proper and Monty chastises them for taking too long (they respond in kind, pointing out that there were no mentions of traps). Josiki and Marben leave with Petyr, Jacks brother and Carmine creeps up to listen to Monty's conversation, witnessing the miltia's rough handling of the last remaining remade and them leaving the sewers.   The group acend to street level and find themselves in a side street beside the art gallery and mueseum of art. After some back and forth they slink their way to Salacus Fields station only to find that Monty has seemingly left without them. They take a cab back to The Moon & Daughter in Raven's Gate where they continue to talk to try and plan their next move.   Petyr points out that many souls are required to become a lich and he knows this because he read Nemethyr Cadnebar's Book of Forbidden Magicks and thus the party are left with a few leads to follow:    
1. Find a copy of this book to see what details are involved in lichdom (OR talk to Cadnebar himself at his soap and candle shop in Canker Wedge)
2. Track down Lin and Isaac and ask them about a Mr. Motley - one of the city's drug/contraband kingpins
3. Talk to D'Souza herself
4. Speak with the mayor.
    There are many other options to consider but these four seem to make the most sense to the group at this time.....perhaps after a night's rest more ideas will spring to mind