Chapter Four: Return to the Sewers 12/08/2023 - 14/09/2023

The group returned to The Moon and Daughter (see locations section on main page) for a nights rest and a bath the night prior . Upon awakening and heading downstairs Josiki is approached by his criminal contact Lemuel Pidgeon (see NPC section of main page and 2nd of Rinden) who offers him a job stealing a stone from the mueseum. The group decide to decline the offer and make their way into the sewers again (after breakfast of course) They get past some rats and a few traps but sound the alarm in the cistern room altering all to their presence and find themselves surrounded by remade, some of which appear to be common citizens and are fleeing. 3 remain standing around a man who is clearly their leader.....a man dressed in a hood and black leather with two giant mantis claws for arms and some kind of firearm strapped seemingly haphazardly to his right claw....
  The group charges in with a surprise round. Josiki netting a remade commoner, Marben dispatching another remade commoner from across the sewer canal Monty using his invisibility to his advantage. The fight continues with 2 remade spell casters attempting to open a portal and Jack trying to fend off his attackers. The group finish off the netted commoner and the remade who charged at Brother Carmine.
  After some creative use of spells and spatial awareness Monty manages to disrupt the spell, Marben manages to partially grapple jack, Josiki nets him and brother carmine uses holy water to bless his allies the group pins down Jack and foils his assisted escape through a dimension door and demands he listens to them or else....