Chapter Three: The Investigation 08/07/2023

The group move from Strack Island to Madame Helena's playhouse in Salacus Fields via a short walk to Petty Coil Station and riding the train two stops along the Sud line to Salacus Fields. Once they arrive at Sly station a group of three shady individuals board the train and move to interact in some way with the party (likely in a nefarious fashion). Josiki stands up and tells them to fuck off quite loudly and these grubby men decide that they aren't worth the fight and leave them be.

Once the group arrives at the station and begin walking down riverside boulevard they see a mass exodus of well-dressed people running up the main street away from the playhouse, a strange hooded person dressed in black saunters slowly across the bridge amidst the chaos. Monty grabs an old lady by the scruff of the neck, calls her scum and demands to know what is going on. Apparently another senator is dead behind the playhouse….Monty drops the woman who cries out in pain and is helped along by a bystander as the group moves to the alleyway behind Madame Helena's.

Upon reaching the body, Josiki naturally searches his pockets whilst Monty looks to see what killed him. Marben discovers footprints which Brother Carmine follows to the bridge where the shadowy figure was seen. Upon the body another cryptic note with the initials JHP signed at the bottom was found alongside trinkets, a lighter, a half smoked cigarette and identification (Sen. Gregory Caricossa). The body lies sprawled beside a manhole leading to the sewers which was left ajar and the blood pooling from the torn neck of the senator drips below…

The group decides to investigate the sewers and traverses the maze of pipes and stinky poo water. They are attacked by an angry crocodile which is easily dealt with by the group, Marben landing the killing blow with a well-placed crossbow bolt before they move forward and set off a guillotine trap which strikes Josiki. The group decide that the trapped passageway must lead somewhere important and follow it up onto an adjacent street where a pub is located. Josiki scares the shit out of some aristocrats and Monty diffuses the situation by telling them the group is a documentary crew and Josiki is the mascot and is actually great at parties….but if they could give their thoughts on the murders it will be anonymous and confidential.

The aristocrats mention the FReemade as possible suspects and say they move about the sewers unseen and hate the government, filthy rebels! The group thanks them and moves back into the sewers where they run into a group of remade. A fight breaks out and Monty puts 2 of the 3 asleep and Josiki grapples the third. Marben hides in the shadows as another remade bandit strikes from its hiding place. Eventually the grappled man says that their leader jack is further in the sewers before Josiki rips his tentacle arms from his body and Marben shoots him in the head mid fall.

After dispatching these rebels the group drag the crocodile to where the remade lay to disguise the scene as a tragic encounter with the local wildlife and head back to The Moon & Daughter in Raven's Gate for a night's sleep. Just before entering their temporary home, Josiki, Brother Carmine and Marben all have the same realization….JHP….Jack….Half a Prayer!