
The corokanth are an oceanic crustacean race. They have vast kingdoms deep in the Swollen Ocean, as well as smaller settlements near and inside Rohagi. They rarely live out of the water, but can occasionally be found in coastal towns and cities. Few corokanth choose an entirely land-based existence, although such a thing is not unheard of. Under the sea, young corokanth occasionally strike out into unfamiliar waters to prove their own strength.

The corokanth, as a race, tend to be distrustful and isolationist, preferring the company of their own kind. They have a calm and stoic outlook, with little concern or curiosity for what occurs beyond their borders. The social structure of the corokanth varies from kingdom to kingdom, but a common thread is a respect for strength. Typically, the biggest and the strongest individuals – be they male or female – lead, regardless of other qualifications. Corokanth also value strength in other races, and usually respond better to outsiders who act bold, rather than deferent or diplomatic.

Physical Description
Corokanth appear to be hunched, bipedal crab-men, with two legs and four arms. The largest set of arms end in enormous lobster-like claws. These claws are used for attacking, and lack the dexterity for fine manipulation. The second, smaller set of arms end in small, dexterous grasping digits that are used for more delicate operations. In order to see in the deep, dark waters that most corokanth prefer, they possess between four and six eyes, each of which is acutely sensitive to movement. Typical coloration for corokanth is brownish-red, but blue, black, green, and even yellow corokanth are not unknown. Their size can be deceptive, as they tend to carry themselves in a hunched, scuttling posture, but at full height the typical corokanth reaches 6 feet and weighs about 300 pounds. Corokanth can breathe air or water, including both freshwater and saltwater.

Corokanth maintain tenuous relationships with other undersea cultures, but mostly keep to themselves. The vast kingdoms deep in the Swollen Ocean are among the most powerful of underwater nations, and very little could threaten them. Corokanth tend to be distrustful of outsiders.

Corokanth Lands
Corokanth make their homes on the sea floors of the western Swollen Ocean, growing deep coral fields and sculpting stones into gentle arcs to create living spaces that are beautiful and natural looking. Many of these sites lie near great thermal vents, providing not only heat but also rich minerals and nutrients for the fish and other creatures that corokanth eat. Corokanth settlements can be found anywhere from arctic to tropical waters, but most are in temperate locations. There is also a population of freshwater corokanth within the Cold Claw Sea.

Just like humans and many races, the widespread corokanth have diverse and varying pantheons. Some of their most popular deities are the Bearer, an oceanic mother goddess, and Qxxtryx, vengeful god of heat and hydrothermal vents.

The corokanth have their own language which consists of many clacking and warbling sounds. It is notoriously difficult for humans to learn, but not impossible. Each kingdom uses a slightly different dialect, but most are very similar. Corokanth are capable of using the traditional tongues of the surface, although they can never escape a thick and distinctive accent reminiscent of their own speech.

Torque & Thaumaturgy (Magic) 
The corokanth are not known for their thaumaturgical prowess, but the native corokanth thaumaturgical abilities focus on manipulation of sea life and oceanic environments.

Racial Traits:
+2 Strength, -2 Charisma.
Medium: As Medium creatures, corokanth have no special bonuses or penalties due to their size.
Corokanth base land speed is 30 feet. Their swimming base speed is 40 feet.
Corokanth have a +8 racial bonus on any Swim check to perform some special action or avoid a hazard. They can always take 10 on a Swim check, even if distracted or endangered. Corokanth can use the run action while swimming, provided they swim in a straight line.
Amphibious: Corokanth are as comfortable in the water as they are on land, and can breathe in both environments.  Darkvision: Corokanth can see in the dark up to 60 feet. Darkvision is black and white only, but is otherwise like normal sight, and corokanth can function just fine with no light at all.
+2 natural armor bonus.
Natural Weapons: The corokanth possess large pincer claws which can deal 1d6+4 slashing damage each. One may attack with a one-handed weapon and then still make a claw attack as a secondary attack at a -5 penalty.
Improved Grab: To use this ability, the corokanth must hit with a pincer attack.
Camouflage: While on the bottom of a stream, pond, or sea, corokanth gain a +4 racial bonus to sneak checks.
Multiple Eyes: Corokanth have a +2 racial bonus to perception checks. This increases to +4 if the corokanth is underwater.
Deep Water Adaptation: Corokanth are immune to any penalties that would normally be imposed while deep underwater. In addition, corokanth possess cold resistance.
Furious Revenge: Once per encounter, a corokanth who has taken at least one point of damage can enter a brief state of rage-like fury beginning on his next turn. The corokanth gains +4 Strength and -2 to Armor Class for the duration of one round. This ability stacks with similar effects, such as a barbarian’s rage. 
Automatic Languages: Corokanth, Ragamoll.
Difficulty Level: 2 (of 9). While they would be an unusual sight on land, corokanth are both physically and socially suitable for an adventuring party