Cray Commonwealth of Salkrikaltor

The great aquatic metropolis of the cray, Salkrikaltor, is the leading city and capitol of the Cray Commonwealth of Salkrikaltor, comprised of almost twenty cray cities. The Salkrikaltor commonwealth is an entire undersea country in the Swollen Ocean, and the city itself lies between the islands of Bartoll and Gnomon Tor. The city has a population of roughly 200,000, primarily cray, with a minority of other aquatic races.

The city itself is the largest of the cray cities, with docks at sea level, towers jutting above the waves, and buildings below. The buildings are complete with airlocks, pumping stations, air-breather’s buildings, and aquatic buildings. The cray are a civilized species whose main interests are control of schools of fish, beds of kelp, and other oceanic treasures. Salkrikaltor is a valued trading partner for New Crobuzon. All other cray settlements trade underwater-produced luxuries, foods, and a few bits of arcane technology. Salkrikaltor also trades with other underwater politics, a process of which New Crobuzon knows next to nothing.
Geopolitical, Country