
Cray are intelligent human-lobster centauriforms that occupy coastlines and ocean reefs, often interacting with humans and other land-based races. The cray are about as likely to adventure as humans are, although understandably, they tend to favor aqueous environments.

Part of the reason that the cray interact so well with humanoids is their similar disposition. Cray personalities range across the same spectrum as human or vodyanoi. Having said that, due partially to the nature of the cray language, they tend to be more literal and straightforward in their personal interactions.

Physical Description
Cray resemble human-lobster centaurians, with a humanoid torso attached to a large lobster body and tail, complete with six to eight crustacean legs. The legs are capable of supporting the cray’s weight on land, and the large, powerful tail is used to swim through the water. The cray’s humanoid upper bodies vary individually, but are generally pale and muscular. All that distinguishes the upper body from a human torso are the gills present on the neck, and the total lack of any hair. Cray don’t normally wear clothes, but often carry woven seaweed backpacks, belts, or bandoliers. They prefer not to wear armor, though when they do, they prefer light, flexible varieties. A cray has the ability to breathe air for prolonged periods of time, but is still dependent on returning to the water on occasion. The cray are native to the saltwater ocean, but can tolerate freshwater as well.

The cray are usually on friendly terms with the other aquatic races of the Swollen Ocean, although their ties to these races are not exceptionally strong. More so than the other aquatic races, cray tend to interact with humans and other airbreathers, and some even live in coastal towns, or upstream. In particular, the cray maintain a close trade relationship with New Crobuzon.

Cray Lands
The cray mainly occupy relatively shallow, temperate waters. They are common up and down the eastern coast of Rohagi, as well as the shallow waters between the innumerable islands near the coast. Perhaps their most well-known territory is Salkrikaltor, whose capital city can house both cray (below the waves,) and air-breathers (in towering spires above.)

There are a number of sea deities that have a place in cray society, but the god most often praised is Crawfoot, and many cray know Crawfoot’s Chronicles by heart.

The cray have their own language, but due to their interactions with other races, many are familiar with the more common human tongues. The cray language is less colorful than Ragamoll, and as such, is interpreted as being quite literal and to-the-point.

Torque & Thaumaturgy (Magic)
Cray do not boast many talented thaumaturgists, preferring hands-on activities.

Racial Traits 
+2 Charisma, -2 Dexterity.
Large: -1 penalty to Armor Class, -1 penalty on attack roles, -4 penalty on sneak checks, +4 bonus to grapple checks, lifting and carrying limits double those of Medium creatures.
Cray base land speed is 20 feet. Their swimming base speed is 30 feet. Cray have a +8 racial bonus on any Swim check to perform some special action or avoid a hazard. They can always take 10 on a Swim check, even if distracted or endangered. Cray can use the run action while swimming, provided they swim in a straight line. 
Amphibious: While cray prefer the water to land, they can breathe equally well in both environments. 
Tail Slap: Once per round, a cray can slap his enemies with his tail as a natural attack, dealing 1d8+2 bludgeoning damage.
Water Dependency: A cray must immerse his entire body in water at least once a week for the duration of one hour or suffer ill effects. After a week has passed, a cray must make a Constitution check every day thereafter (DC 14 + 1 per additional day) or take 1d4 damage. Once a cray immerses himself in water, he regains 1 hp per hour that he remains in the water. Either saltwater or freshwater may fulfill this requirement.
Sturdy Gait: Cray have a +4 racial bonus against bull rush and trip attempts.
Heightened Senses: Able to detect minute vibrations from their many legs, cray have Tremor sense while on land. Immersed in the water, this increases to Blind sense. The range of these abilities is 30 feet.
Automatic Languages: Cray.
Bonus Languages: Ragamoll or Salt.
Difficulty Level: 3 (of 9). Their unwieldy size could make a cray cumbersome in a world dominated by humans.