
This race of hedgehog-folk tend to dwell in small forest communities, living off of the land. The hotchi’s intrinsic skill to survive in the wild would make them excellent adventurers, although few choose to leave their close-knit communities.

Most hotchi are relatively friendly and easy-going; yet, like any people who have what it takes to survive in the harsh wilderness, they can be cold and pragmatic when the situation calls for it. Their rural communities make do without any modern technological amenities, although they are usually more than willing to trade for any practical implements that could increase their chances of survival, such as firearms.

Physical Description
The hotchi resemble bipedal hedgehogs, complete with a coat of sharp spines. These spines are typically short, with a length of one to two inches, but some individuals possess spines which are considerably longer. The spines usually cover the back and flanks of hotchi, leaving their front, face, and limbs covered only in a short furry coat. Some individuals who live with humans take to filing their spines blunt. Hotchi, much like humans, can have a wide range of body types, from short and thick to tall and thin, although they are typically shorter than the average human.

Hotchi communities tend to keep to themselves, although they also typically welcome visitors who happen by. The hotchi, as a whole, have no enemies.

Hotchi Lands

The hotchi have no organized kingdoms or cities, and only a handful of scattered communities, mostly in the Rudewood south of New Crobuzon and the surrounding grasslands. They live comfortably in nearly any climate, and their dwellings and villages blend in with the natural world around them. A minority have moved to urban environments, living in New Crobuzon and Myrshock, while still others have taken to coastal towns. Hotchi villages get most of their food from gathering fruit and hunting small game, although those who dwell in the grasslands do plant some crops.

A highly practical people, hotchi don’t waste much time on lengthy religious practices. Most follow the sensible, easygoing goddess Krinan-Flaherti.

The hotchi language is described as harsh sounding, featuring barks and deep sounds from the back of the throat. Hotchi who learn Ragamoll often retain a strong and distinctive accent.

Torque & Thaumaturgy (Magic)
Many hotchi demonstrate a low-level natural ability to commune with nature via thaumaturgical means, and those who seek to deepen this bond expand their abilities along similar avenues. 

Racial Traits
+2 Wisdom, -2 Intelligence.
Medium: As Medium creatures, hotchi have no special bonuses or penalties due to their size.
Hotchi base land speed is 30 feet.
Low-Light Vision: A hotchi can see twice as far as a human in starlight, moonlight, torchlight, and similar conditions of poor illumination. They retain the ability to distinguish color and detail under these conditions.
Resistance: bludgeoning. 
+2 racial bonus on Survival and perception checks
; hotchi have an innate link to the natural world.
Thousands of tough spines cover the hotchi body. These protrusions allow them to deal 1d4 points of lethal damage (instead of 1d4 nonlethal) when they choose to deal damage as part of a successful grapple.
Because of their thick coat of spines, hotchi have a difficult time wearing armor. The maximum Dexterity bonus of the armor is reduced by 1, and the armor check penalty is worsened by 2.
Spell-Like Abilities: 1/day – pass without trace, speak with animals.
Automatic Languages: Hotchi, Ragamoll.
Difficulty Level: 0 (of 9). While only common near New Crobuzon, hotchi are unobtrusive anywhere.