Ireena Kolyana

Ireena is a striking young woman with waist length fiery red hair that is partially braided, emerald green eyes and fair skin. She carries an unusual sickle blade in the likeness of a crescent moon and dons thick leather armor embellished with brass coloured metals Strahd Von Zarovich has been paying nightly visits to lreena Kolyana, the adopted daughter of the village burgomaster and has bitten her twice. The villagers are afraid of her and avoid her. Although she appears mild, she has a strong will, bordering on stubbornness. She doesn’t remember her early past. She doesn’t know how she came to Barovia or where she came from. Moreover, her encounters with Strahd are fuzzy memories, thanks to his vampiric charm, but she can recall clearly the blazing hunger in his eyes.

Current Location
The Burgomaster's Estate (Barovia Village, Barovia, ???)