Lemuel Pigeon

Lemuel is a young male Half Elf. He has a mass of curly blonde hair that bursts out from under a large burgundy hat and a pony-tail it clearly resents. He wears a matching swallow-tail suit jacket over a bright red waist coat - both of which are oversized for his slender body. Lemuel is s a chancer, a snitch, a fenceā€¦the quintessential go between. He has carved quite the profitable little niche for himself out of being a most efficient middle-man of sorts. Packages, information, offers, messages, refugees, goods: anything that two people could possibly want to exchange without actually meeting, Lemuel will courier. He is unscrupulous and brutal-vicious when necessary. If the going ever got dangerous, he would certainly leave anyone with him in a trail of his dust. Everyone knows that. Lemuel never hides it. There is a certain honesty about him. He never pretends that you can trust him   To sum Lemuel up in five words or less: An all round cheeky bugger



The Dying Child (Brock Marsh)