Madame Zoya Miklos

Madame Zoya is the Matriach and Seeress that was within the misty rainforest of Myrshock, she read the party's fortune and allowed them to keep the golden wolf pendant that Karijotas stole.   Wrinkles line almost every surface like ripples on sand dunes or perhaps the textured bark of trees within the forest, her eyes a shade of violet you have never seen on a human, beginning to cloud from age. However the most striking feature is the deep, dark jagged scars that line the left side of her face, as if she had been struck by the paw of a large bear many moons ago. Although entirely healed they are a deep scarlet red and seem to rise from her skin as if they themselves will strike in anger.  

The Tarokka Reading

An old woman sits at the far end of the tent, her face obscured by the low light of the flickering candles placed in bottles and ornate holders around the interior of the space. A low table is positioned directly in front of her with 4 plump colourful pillows lined up in front, as if anticipating your arrival. She beckons you forward with a gnarled and crooked finger and gestures for you each to sit upon one of the pillows. The strong smell of sandalwood wafts over you as approach her, the multiple sticks of incense scattered around her space billowing thick clouds of fragrant smoke. Tapestries hang from the canvas walls and rickety shelves with books, trinkets and dark amber glass jars line up behind her giving the feel of a study or library or even apothecary in this temporary space.   It isnt until you are directly across from her that you can truly see her face. Wrinkles line almost every surface like ripples on sand dunes or perhaps the textured bark of trees within the forest, her eyes a shade of violet you have never seen on a human, beginning to cloud from age. However the most striking feature is the deep, dark jagged scars that line the left side of her face, as if she had been struck by the paw of a large bear many moons ago. Although entirely healed they are a deep scarlet red and seem to rise from her skin as if they themselves will strike in anger. “Welcome, Blank, Aurelja, Cyreon and Karijtoras…. Please sit” her voice is deep and raspy though doesnt seem to falter or shake. “I have awaited your arrival and now it seems you are finally here…..”   “All I can offer you is the wisdom of the cards… perhaps they will answer your questions younglings.” She reaches for the deck of black cards beside her. Their backs are adorned in white and gold with two ravens at the centre. Smiling, she deals 5 cards out in a cross like formation and flips over the first.   “This card speaks of history…The knowledge of the ancients will aid you in your struggles against your enemy” She looks out ominously to the group as she continues “A wounded elf is what you seek, He will part with the treasure to see his dark dreams fulfilled” she moves her hand to the top most card and flips it over   “This one tells a powerful force for good and protection…. A holy symbol of hope” “Search for the crypt of a wizard ordinare… his staff is the key” her knotted fingers practically paralyzed with arthritis manage to flip the third over with the nimbleness of a gambler in Maru’Ahm, seemingly unaffected by the disease that plagues them.   “Ahh yes, a card of power and strength… this card speaks of a weapon of vengeance…. A sword made from the sun himself.” Moving toward the second last card she pauses briefly and says “What you seek lies at the crossroads of life and death, among the buried dead” she flips over the card she lingers over   “This sheds light upon one who will help you greatly in the battle against darkness”.... A wizard with a broken mind is what I see, his mind may be found and along with it his spells of which hold no bounds.” and she finally flips the final card and smiles, her eyes crinkling and her scars stretching against the movement of her face.   “Finally… your enemy is darkness itself, whos powers are beyond that of mortality… this card will lead you to them… when the time is right.... A secret place… a vault of temptation hidden behind a woman of great beauty… The evil awaits atop this tower of treasure”   She brings her hands back and rests them on her lap looking out to the group with a slight smile.


  • Gave the party a Tarokka Reading
  • Allowed them to keep the wolf pendant
  • Gave the party Burgomaster's Letter #1
  • Accompanied the party to the Eastern Gates of Barovia