Pact of the Arms Bearer - Warlock Pact

Creeping shadows reach out and dread seizes the mind of the tinkerer. He works quietly on the project given to him by a strange being. When did the whispers start? In truth, he can not remember... First it was dreams, then they began in his conscious mind. If the whispers aren't answered... does madness follow? After tireless hours pouring over the schematic the tinkerer completes his hex gun and the mortal has now become a true agent of their patron. The whispers that once clouded his dreams now flow endlessly from the barrel of the gun. A provocateur of destruction, these whispers almost certainly will end in tragedy, but not before a trail of previously unimaginable violence is left in his wake.
Your Patron imbues you with the power to wield powerful weapons in the form of firearms and will bestow a pact weapon upon the fledgling Warlock in one of two ways either by way of knowledge in which the Warlock can create their own weapon (Triggersmith) or by way of bestowing the power to summon a weapon .A Warlock who takes The Pact of the Arms Bearer ignores the spell slot limitations listed in PHB and instead follows rulings around ammunition and firearms. The weapon/ammo is imbued with torque energy allowing spells to be cast so long as sufficient amounts of ammo is being carried. There are features shared by both paths of the arms bearer as well as those specific to each subtype.


At level 3, 3 times per long rest if you hit a target with a cantrip cast from your hex gun you are able to target one other creature within 15ft of the original target. This second target takes 1d4 damage+dex (damage type equal to cantrip's type).

Additional Shots

Starting at 5th level you may shoot your hex weapon twice, you must use the same cantrip each time. The shots increase to 3 at level 14 and 4 at level 18.

Head Shot

At level 11 you can see the weak spots in your foes and gain critical hits on both 19 and 20 (natural) at level 15 you gain critical hits at 18 as well.  

The Triggersmith

  A warlock with the knowledge and ability to craft their own weapon is known as a "Triggersmith". The Triggersmith is able to modify & upgrade their pact weapon for greater versitility and power however they are subject to the same loading/reloading, ammunition and misfire rules as a gunslinger (or any other firearms user). They may craft their own ammunition and fix any damage that their weapon may encounter.

Firing The Weapon

For all intents and purposes the weapon acts as an arcane focus allowing for torque magic to flow directly from the Triggersmith through the weapon, this means that cantrips still function without ammunition cost but are still subject to misfire. Levelled spells require ammunition.

Hex Gun

Reload|4| misfire|10| Instant break|3|
At 1st level, your patron imbues you with the knowledge necessary to create your hex gun. This magical firearm is a revolver of otherworldly design. You are proficient with your hex gun and you can channel spells through this hex gun, using it as an arcane focus. When you make a ranged weapon or spell attack roll while using this firearm, you gain a +2 bonus to the attack roll.


At 1st level, you gain proficiency with firearms and tinker's tools. When you complete a long rest you can invoke the power of your patron. When you do so you can attempt to create bullets using tinkering and intelligence. If anyone other than you tries to use your gun or a bullet created in this way, the bullet explodes, everyone within earshot hears the collective screams of everyone your hex gun has ever killed and the person who tried to use it must make a Dexterity saving throw against your spell save DC . On fail they take 1d6+your charisma modifier per warlock level of psychic damage and on success the damage is halved.

Shotgun Blast

Prerequisite: slug shells created via Ammosmithing
At 5th level you choose for your revolver form hex gun to mimic the catastrophic effects of a sawn off shot gun. All creatures (including friendly) in a 20ft cone in front of you must make a DEX saving throw against your spell save DC or take 2d10 force damage. This damage increases to 3d10 at level 11, 4d10 at level 17 and 5d10 at level 20.

Dead Eye

Prerequisite: armor piercing bullets created via Ammosmithing
At 10th level provided you have not moved during your turn you may choose to take aim as a bonus action. This will provide advantage on all hex gun attacks next turn but your speed will be reduced to 0 until the following turn.

Heat Seeker

Prerequisite: Heat seeking bullets created via Ammosmithing
At level 14 any shot made with your hex weapon can ignore any amount of cover. These bullets rely on the body heat of the target so is ineffective against undead.

The Torquewielder

A Warlock who is imbued with otherworldly magic that forms this weapon out of the patron's magical type (ie. fire, shadow, ice etc) is known as a "Torquewielder". As an action the Torquewielder is able to summon their pact weapon which then remains active until dismissed by the Warlock or dispelled by another creature via a spell or ability that is able to dispel magic. The Torquewielder is only able to cast through their pact weapon which can take one of two forms (which the Torquewielder must decide upon summoning). The guns created by a Torquewielder are subject to misfire and require bullets formed via Torquesmithing for all spells (not inclusive of cantrips).


At 1st level, you gain proficiency with firearms and tinker's tools. When you complete a long rest you can invoke the power of your patron. When you do so you can attempt to create bullets using arcana and tinkering. If anyone other than you tries to use your gun or a bullet created in this way, the bullet dissipates into smoke, and the person who tries to use it hears the collective screams of everyone your hex gun has ever killed and is required to make a wisdom saving throw against your spell save DC . On fail they take 1d6+your charisma modifier per warlock level of force damage on success damage is halved.

Weapon Forms

Starting at level 1 a Torquewielder may use an action to summon one of two styles of hex gun which can be used to channel spells

Revolver form

Reload|6| misfire|8| Instant break|3|
Being within 5ft of a hostile creature does not illicit disadvantage on the ranged spell attack however disadvantage occurs at ranges over 80ft. Can hold 6 rounds of ammunition before reloading is required

Sniper Form

Reload|2| Misfire|10| Instant Break|5|
Your range is doubled for all spells but disadvantage occurs at ranges below 80ft. Can hold 2 rounds of ammunition before reloading is required.

Wraith Shot

Prerequisite: Revolver Form + Wraith bullets created via Torquesmithing
Starting at 6th level, your patron teaches you how to manipulate the life force of those you kill and weaponize it against your foes. When you reduce a creature to 0 hit points, you gain temporary hit points equal to your Charisma modifier .   While you have any of these temporary hit points remaining and you deal damage to a creature, you can spend some or all of these temporary hit points to deal additional necrotic damage equal to the temporary hit points spent.

Chambered Spell

Prerequisite: Requires blank shells created via Torquesmithing
Starting at 10th level, your hex gun becomes a receptacle for eldritch might. You can store a spell of 1st through 5th level in the blank shell by casting it while holding the ammunition. The spell must have a range of at least 5 feet, and the spell has no effect other than to be stored in the blank shell. If the ammunition can't hold the spell, the spell is expended without effect. The blank shell can hold a single spell at a time.   If you load a shell into your hex gun with a spell stored, you can cast the spell stored within it without using a spell slot.

Eldritch Bullet

Prerequisite: Sniper Form + Eldritch Bullets created via Torquesmithing
Starting at 14th level, your arcane power and your hex gun become perfectly intertwined. As a bonus action, you can charge your hex gun with arcane might. When you make a ranged weapon or spell attack, you can deal an additional 1d6 psychic damage on a hit until the end of your turn. You can use this ability a number of times equal to your Charisma modifier and regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest.


Tools: Tinkerer's Toolset
Weapons: Firearms (one-handed)


The weapon can be fired a number of times equal to its Reload score before you must spend 1 attack or 1 action to reload. You must have one free hand to reload a firearm.


Whenever you make an attack roll with a firearm, and the dice roll is equal to or lower than the weapon’s Misfire score, the weapon misfires. The attack misses, and the weapon cannot be used again until you spend an action to try and repair it.

To repair your firearm, you must make a successful Tinker’s Tools check (DC equal to 8 + misfire score). If your check fails, the weapon is broken and must be mended out of combat at a quarter of the cost of the firearm. Creatures who use a firearm without being proficient increase the weapon’s misfire score by 1.