Red Kate

Katherine Friedman "Red Kate" is a 35 year old human female. She is pale, tall and thin with long thick red hair which is usually pulled back into a Ponytail. She is the owner of The Moon & Daughter in Raven's Gate which is the usual hangout for bohemian types as well as a wide range of other not so well off clientele. She is physically strong and classically beautiful. Kate knows exactly who to bribe and who to ban and won't take shit from anyone. She is well respected and if she needs someone ejected (and cant do it herself) most regulars jump at the chance to help. 

Appears to be a good hostess and runs a clean establishment is quick witted and observant. Kate presides over her tavern with majesty and a blunt tone. She has very little patience for trouble makers and doesn’t care who frequents her pub so long as they pay up and don’t cause issue.