The remade are not a true race, but rather a creation of the punishment factories of New Crobuzon.

The flesh of criminals and political offenders is reshaped to suit one of two purposes: eternal humiliation, or hard manual labor. In the city of New Crobuzon, almost all crimes are felonies, and almost all crimes carry the same punishment: remaking. Some individuals are sentenced to a remaking that supposedly holds some poetic justice, such as a thief receiving grotesquely mutilated hands. Other remakings are for the benefit of the state alone, such as melding an inmate with construction equipment for the purpose of hard manual labor. The victims of this process must often relearn basic activities like walking, speaking, and other simple physical acts in their new bodies.

Uncommonly, some remade come not from the punishment factories but from independent chirugeons who cater to gladiators, pit-fighters, bodyguards, and others who seek to enhance their natural gifts. Remade are almost always human, although some xenian remade are known to exist. These are rare and attract a certain amount of curiosity just by their appearance; some of these xenian remade support themselves by staging carnival sideshows and exhibition fights. Any remade character in New Crobuzon is at the bottom of the social order, a pariah who is both legally and politically oppressed. No upright citizen of the middle class loves a criminal, and the default assumption of most New Crobuzoners is that a remade is a political dissident, a violent criminal, and possibly a traitor to the city.

Even among the city’s less fortunate, the Remade are often viewed with suspicion. Outside of the city, small bands of fReemade have escaped from captivity and servitude in New Crobuzon and live as bandits, free from this stigma. Even there, the taboo against the remade means that few of the fReemade add to their remakings. Adding to one’s remaking requires the help of dissident fReemade or biothaumaturges, so adding to one’s remakings is very difficult and rare (and requires a Knowledge (local) and Gather Information checks just to make the right connections.) It is not an easy life, being Remade.