Salacus Fields (Sah-Lah-cuss Fields)


A place of fashion and the fashionable, poets and pamphleteers, as well as the latest breed of junkies, the residents of Salacus Fields delight in the scandalous and the outré. The district is crowded with tea-houses and bars, clothes here are bright and artistic, and it is a fine place for romance. The plentiful artists vary from the wealthiest, with their patrons and lucrative city contracts, to the conventionally successful. Many of the artists are xenians working with golem-thaumaturgy (common among the vodyanoi) or sculptural gland-artists (best known among the khepri.) The district’s reputation for dissidence and radical artistry is mostly just that at this point, however, as it draws in rich students and younger sons; the truly radical artists and pamphleteers have decamped to Howl Barrow. Salacus Fields retains some weekender-chic and is slowly gentrifying, much to the horror of its older residents.


Wide clean well lit roads with many twisting alleys trace the urban anatomy of Salacus Fields like veins. The district is well serviced by the city's sewer system and is separated from the Khepri Slum of Kinken by The River Tar and is serviced by three well maintained stone bridges; Barrow Bridge to the east, Garden Bridge in the centre and Salacus Bridge to the west.

The district is blessed with three large courtyards, complete with beautifully crafted fountains and an old but well maintained Railway Station. Boundary Gardens serves as a barrier, hiding Kinken from view of Madame Helena's playhouse which is located on the Riverside thoroughfare of Riverstone Street and is one of many entertainment and art establishments within the district. Sobek Croix Gardens serves as the boundary between the two districts and is one of the finest within the city with many exotic, beautiful flowers, trees and shrubs growing within its boundaries.

There is no industry here aside from artisanal woodworkers (such as toymakers, cobblers and carpenters specialising in fine furnishings), metalworkers and jewellers and other luxury creators which are all dotted throughout the many bars, art exhibitions, creative workspaces, pleasure houses and other establishments which exist to serve the elite and other denizens of the city in their pleasure and entertainment needs, provided they have the coin.

Guilds and Factions

Salacus Fields is the home to the Artisan's Guild where all who have a creative flair are welcome within their ranks.....for a monthly membership fee of course.

Points of interest

Madame Helena's Playhouse

The place where all the mover's and shakers enjoy the art of theatre and other live events. Located along Riverstone Street across from Garden Bridge and the Boundary Gardens.

The Smoking Warthog

A popular tavern that offers fine dining experiences on Skullday, Shunday and Dustday nights. All other nights the tavern offers a more simplified pub menu which is one of the best regarded in the city. Chainday offers tavern goers live music and Dockday is comedy night.

Gardenside Gallery

Located on the northern side of Sobek Croix gardens along Fountainpass Street houses the cities finest artworks and displays them to the public for a small entrance fee (extra fees apply for some exhibitions)  

New Crobuzon Museum of the Arts

Located on Fountainpass Street two doors up from Gardenside Gallery. Houses historical artworks and pieces connected with the city's artistic history. A small entrance fee is applicable for all visitors with special exhibitions on occasion having an extra fee.


Salacus Fields is incredibly popular with tourists, it is easily accessible via the city's extensive train system with the Sud line running through the markets of Spit Bazaar. Cabs have an easy time traversing the wide streets and there is very little likelihood that tourists or citizens will be subject to least this was the case until recently....


All buildings are crafted from fine stone and stuccoed on the upper levels. Well maintained and clean.

Natural Resources

The River Tar
Boundary Gardens
Sobek Croix Gardens


  • Salacus Fields