
The sprawling capital city of Cymek greets new arrivals with the exotic aroma of incense and spice. It washes over you as soon as you step through the ornate sandstone gates and instantly induces a feeling of homeliness and peace. Ironically it is not the fragranced streets or even it's incredibly diverse citizens that Shankell is famed for. Rather, it is the Red Ring or the bloodied arena in which daily gruelling battles take place. Warriors from all over come to fight for glory (usually, a violent death) or simply to bet coin on the outcome of a match. These warriors fight each other or monsters to the death, winner takes home a hefty reward. Fighter's who can survive 5 rounds back to back (Known as the gauntlet) are marked in the Red Ring's hall of fame as well as an audience with the Sheikh himself and a significant amount of prize money.   Its sprawling markets are found across the city and are no doubt the source of the enticing smells but none as big or as organised as the Sola Bazaar. Everything and anything can be found here - at a price of course, weapons, rare gems or even live creatures can be found if one is asking the right questions. Buyers be wary, some shop keeps are plants placed by the Council of Light to weed out any criminals or trouble makers, though one can usually bribe their way out of a tight situation.


Incredibly diverse but the population is largely is cactacae, humans, garuda and elves.


Cymek is an absolute monachy controlled by the Solanum Dynasty who have ruled over their empire for 425 years. All records of previous dynasties and rulers were destroyed by Sheikh Screams-At-Crows in 1403 during the purge but the nation itself has stood since before the crisis.

Currently Sheikh Stands-In-Sun Solanum has the crown and ultimate power however his father Sheikh Hands-Like-Stone formed The Tribunal of Light to appease vassals. Members of the Tribunal are as follows:

Sheikh Stands-In-Sun Solanum:
Solanum Dynasty 1353 - 1778AC (present)
Leader of Cymek (1770 - 1778AC)
Cactacae male

Vizier Long-Shanks Asterae:
House Asterae
Advisor to Solanum Dynasty 1770 - 1778AC (present)
Cactacae male

Jin'ra Strong-Branches Rutacea
House Rutacea
Cymeki Militia General 1764 - 1778 (present)
Cactacae Male

M'tyr Blooms-in-shade Solanum
Solanum dynasty 1353 - 1778AC (present)
master of coin (1770 - 1778)
cactacae Male

Family undisclosed
Spy master (1767 - 1778)
Cactacae female

Ambassador Ambyr Le'Roue
New Crobuzon representative 1776 - 1778
Human female

Seer Azreal
Family unknown
Royal sorceress (1676 - 1778)
Drow female

Sun Speaker Basks-In-Warmth Cymbidae
House Cymbidia
Religious adviser (1775 - 1778)
cactacae female


Shankell is encompassed by strong sandstone walls which are dotted with manned sentry towers at strategic points. There are two entrances into the city, the main gate located to the south and the port gate located at the north. Both gates are manned by well trained and armoured men, though not immediately obvious there would also be thurmaturgical defences in place.They have a very strong and well trained military, perhaps the reason they are still sovereign and why their power hungry neighbours have left them be. The military is part vigilante - half state funded with the former being The Samheri fleet.

The Samheri is part mercantile, part police force, and more than a little piratical. The bulk of the fleet is made up of wooden vessels which are equal parts freighter and fighter. These ships sail far and wide, ferrying and distributing cargo, and earning piles of gold in the process. On their journeys, Samheri vessels have a policy of stopping any other ship they come across. If the ship belongs to a foreign power which has made a trade pact with Dreer Samher – such as New Crobuzon, or Tesh – the vessel is free to go, since its government has “prepaid” its safe passage. Other vessels have the choice of giving the Samheri a hefty bribe, or else have their entire cargo and vessel seized by force. But the reputation of the Samheri sailors is not entirely bleak. Dreer Samher’s cactacae sailors are among the most gifted of storytellers. Known as fablers, these cactusfolk can make their voices hypnagogic, lulling their audiences into an almost dreamlike state. The Samheri is based solely in Shankell where the official Cymeki Militia (The Royal Cymeki Army or RCA) is spread across the entire empire with most soldiers stationed at other major cities and settlements, leaving the semi-corrupt pirate police force to do it's own thing

Industry & Trade

The city runs on industry and trade, all goods go through Shankell before finding their way throught the rest of the empire. Cymek is a producer of high quality silks, coffee, alcohol and exotic fruits and a major exporter of iron, steel and other minerals to New Crobuzon. Most of their goods are produced in the northern part of Cymek and are then transported to Shankell before being exported across the entire continent.   Due to most of the country being desert, Cymek imports a lot of fresh water and distributes it across the island especially to the south where rivers are only seasonal. They also import various exotic foods and goods to help alleviate any drought affected areas.


Shankell has the empire's best resources and as such has extensive infrastructure. All roads and bridges in and out of the city are impeccably maintained as well as the sewers and fresh water pipes. The city is the Empires major trade hub and has the largest port & docks as well as extensive farmland and a new small industry & science zone.


  • Palace of the Sun
  • The Red Ring
  • Sanshad Mosque
  • Sol Bazaar
  • Shankell Trading Co
  • Samheri Fleet HQ
  • Meagre Sea RCA Base

Guilds and Factions

  • Tribunal of Light
  • Trader & Merchant's Guild
  • Red Ring
  • Order of The Sun
  • Thieves Guild
  • Bounty Hunter's Association
  • Shankelli Scientific Community
  • The Circle
  • New Crobuzon Embassy
  • Worker's Union
  • The Samheri Fleet


Architecturally speaking, the city is a mix of influences and styles but bold coloured shade fabrics are a common theme across all communities. The older Cactactae designed buildings are of simple mud and earth design and are smoothed box like structures with wood trims along windows and doors. Newer buildings consist of sandstone and have an ornate design to them with brightly coloured shade fabrics and craved wooden finishes. These structures are multi storey and have balconies and gardens. Everything fits in perfectly with the semi desert landscape and there are many public gardens to enjoy.

Kherpi made buildings are immediately obvious, pale white tube like formations jutting out from pre existing buildings. Each is linked to one another forming bridges and strange shapes throughout the neighbourhood. This is the result of the home-grub. A large worm that can burrow and excretes a slime that hardens into a cement like consistency and creates the hodge-podge shanty where most khepri live as a single community. Unlike all of the other races, kherpi prefer to live amongst themselves and practice their religion in peace, though few choose to leave as once they do they are considered outcast.


Shankell is in the best possible location in Cymek, the northern coast. The banks of this area of the Meagre Sea have been transformed into a major shipping hub and provide the wealthy citizens an incredible view of the turquoise water. The city sprawls out to the south as far as the River Frain and Maru Karesh and is flanked by the lush Ghengris Rainforest to the west and The Frainwood to the east. Thanks to the southern ranges, the weather is tropical and the area is blessed by frequent rains making this the most productive city and region in the Empire.

Natural Resources

Blessed by its location the city is surrounded by resources; stone,iron,gems and minerals are mined from the ranges of Maru Karesh in the south, The River Frain provides enough water for most of the continent (It is the deepest running river in Rohagi) and is used heavily in irrigation in southern settlements. Forests and coasts provide food, wood and other luxuries and being the capital as well as the Empire's largest shipping port, it's residents get to enjoy all kinds of exotic and locally produced goods.
Related Ethnicities
Inhabitant Demonym
Owning Organization