The Brothers

The Brothers Two mountain-bound cities whose histories are inexorably intertwined, the Brothers are for all practical purposes a singular entity.

Near Rohagi’s western coast sit two lone mountains. Not part of any chain, these impressive solitary peaks each boast a wealth of natural resources just below the surface, including gold, copper, coal, and occasionally, even rockmilk. To the northwest, Snakehorn Mountain sits atop a large coal deposit. As the mountain was gradually mined, settlements sprang up along its slopes that today are bustling neighborhoods on the mountain-spanning city of Snakehorn. The coal from Snakehorn is shared with Great Heap, the peak approximately 80 miles to the southeast, which in turn shares its greater deposits of metals.

Rather than being perched on the mountain’s slopes, like its brother, the city of Pilsington is clustered around the Great Heap’s expansive base. Together, these cities are the Brothers. They stand together in all things as an inseparable entity. This kinship is so deep that residents of one of the cities do not think of themselves as “Snakeborns” or “Pilsingters,” but always as “Brothers.”


The Brothers are ruled as a single unit by a ruling council. Members are not elected; rather, any resident who has the power or wealth to appoint himself, (and defend his appointment,) sits on the council.

Demography and Population

2,621,000 (total)

human-dominant (90% human, 6% vodyanoi, 4% other)


In order to maintain order within the city’s reach, (which extends hundreds of miles,) the Brothers maintain a respectable ground force; although the region’s natural barriers (the Fellid Forest to the south, and the open expansive grasslands to the north) mean that this force is smaller than it would be otherwise. The Brothers do not boast much of a navy.


As in most cities, a large number of religions are followed in the Brothers. One of the most popular is the following of Sobki.
Major Imports
The economy of Great Heap is deeply linked to the economy of Snakehorn, and vice versa. The Brothers main exports are metals, mostly copper and iron. While the Brothers have no greater or fewer traders than most nations, somewhere along the line the merchants from the Brothers gained a widespread reputation for their shrewd deals, which is why the Brothers are sometimes called the “Dealers.”

In order to exchange their respective natural resources, there are many routes of expedited travel between the cities. In times past, enormous crocodilian species native to the region were used as beasts of labor to haul vast loads, (leading to another of the city’s monikers, the Crocodile City.) This mode is still used today, but is heavily supplemented with railways, dirigibles, and even a fast-travel skyrail.
Official State Religion
Official Languages
Neighboring Nations