The Man in Black's narrative

Each of you have found yourselves in Tarmuth, a small fishing town situated to the south of New Crobuzon City and at the southern edge of the Rudewood, nestled beside the River Canker. You are each here for various reasons, perhaps lying low from the miltia, or to escape the hustle and bustle of the city and study the energy that the forest itself emits, or simply living in the town since childhood. All that matters is that you are here now and are currently either staying at The Sleeping Bear inn or in your own homes.

The day starts and ends like any other in this sleepy town, townsfolk moving about and selling their wares in the waterfront market, or working their jobs. You'd each enjoy the day simply moseying about town or, drinking at the tavern. At a certain point you'd each retire to your rooms for the night to get some beauty sleep, ensuring to close your windows to keep the chill and the bandit's you've heard talk of out.

The sound of thunder crashing overhead and flashes of lightning through the gaps in the curtains stirs you. You roll over to set back down to sleep and you notice a long shadow cast over your bed as another flash of lightning light up the room. You sit up alert and see standing at the foot of your bed is a tall lithe man.

Dressed head to foot in black, a long trench coat that almost touches the ankles of his thick buckled boots sways slightly in a non-existent breeze. The collar stiff and sitting up around his face which is covered from the nose down by a thick scarf, his eyes encased behind thick orange googles that reflect the light of the storm outside. A large scythe pokes out from behind his back, still visible beyond the brim of the oversized bolero hat that sits upon his head. He stands motionless for a moment just staring at you.

You feel the weight of something land in your lap and a voice begins to emanate inside your head. A deep, gravelly and calm voice. A voice that is not your own.  
"This is but a sniff of what you can come to expect….not even a taste" the voice says without a trace of emotion. "Mayor Bentham Rudgutter requests your presence at Strack Island in the heart of New Crobuzon. More coin upon arrival and more still if you complete his task" He remains motionless save for the swaying of the duster.   "Think of it as a deposit for your services…. And I know what youre thinking…..what is stopping you from taking this and running as far away from New Crobuzon as you can" He takes a step forward and the floorboards beneath his heavy boots creak. "You can certainly try…..but" The voice seems to have a hint of amusement in it's tone as his pitch shifts slightly "Just know the New Crobuzon militia knows no borders and hunts traitors to the ends of the earth…. And if all else fails…. They send people like me…. And I…." A melencholy chuckle reverberates from your head and through your body "I…. Love a challenge".   "We don't take no for an answer, the barge will leave the battered pier this town calls a dock at midday. I have reserved a table for you beside the fire and I suggest you use the morning to make yourself accqainted with your new team mates….. You may wish to spend some coin at the local merchants but I assure you, there will be plenty of time to explore spit bazaar in new crobuzon when you arrive."   "When you do arrive, head for the Moon and Daughter Inn and Tavern in Raven's Gate…Miss Red Kate has already been compensated for all room and board for the foreseeable future. Once settled make haste for Strack Island, Mayor Rudgutter is not one to be kept waiting…"

With another crack of thunder and more flashes of lightning that almost seem to momentarily blind you he is gone leaving you alone in your room with your thoughts and a hefty sum of gold.