The Strange Pastry Lady

You hear the sound of small, wooden wheels rolling across damp cobbles. You trace the lonely sound to a hunched figure bundled in rags, pushing a rickety wooden cart through the fog.
The Strange Pastry Lady wandered up from the south of the Church Road running into Blank and Charles. She asked them if they wished to buy her dream pastries for 1gp to which Blank responded with a curt no. Charles however was curious and asked her if he could instead wash dishes to make up for the shortcomings of coin (he only had 1cp - or so he said) as she was about to respond, the remainder of the party made their way outside. In the end, Charles got his pastry for 1 cp and Cyreon purchased 2 for 2gp.


  • The mists came to Barovia long before she was alive - as old as she is this was before her time, but to her knowledge it was at least 200 years ago
  • When asked about the forest she says that the Svalich woods embrace the entirity of Barovia, the eastern-most portion leads back to the gates of Barovia but heading west along the road it is thicker and more wild
  • Whilst the roads aren't entirely safe they are much safer than wandering aimlessly in the wilds
  • There is a Vistanya encampment by the Tser Pool, follow the main road west then take the dirt path that juts off just as the path winds its way north....or you can follow the river....if you are brave enough
  • There are werewolves that roam the woods each night, but they seem to congregate when both moons are full just south of the Wizard's of Wine Winery to the far west of Barovia..... best to avoid this place