
Sil lived and worked and slept in the tub, hauling himself from one end to the other with his huge, webbed hands and frog’s legs, his body wobbling like a bloated testicle, seemingly boneless. He was ancient and fat and grumpy, even for a Vodyanoi. He was a bag of old blood with limbs, without a separate head, his big curmudgeonly face poking out from the fat at the front of his body. Twice a month he scooped the water out from around him and had his regulars pour fresh buckets over him, farting and sighing with pleasure.

The Vodyanoi could spend at least a day in the dry without ill-effects, but Sil could not be bothered. He oozed surly indolence, and chose to do so in his filthy water. Isaac could not help feeling that Sil debased himself as a kind of aggressive show. He seemed to relish being more-disgusting-than-thou. -Chapter Three, Perdido Street Station

The amphibian vodyanoi resemble hunched humanoid frogs. They are excellent crafters of thaumaturgy and small sorceries. They are quite common in Rohagi, second only to humans in number. The diversity of vodyanoi makes them the equal to humans in adventuring capability.


Vodyanoi share many traits with humans. They tend to live in small family units, whose dwellings contain rooms both above and below water. Individually, their personalities range the same wide spectrum as humans, (although it is uncommon to encounter a jolly vodyanoi,) and vodyanoi can excel at any number of professions, especially those involving swimming or water in some capacity.

Physical Description

The frog-like vodyanoi seem smaller than they truly are because of their hunched and squatting posture, and they rarely seem to stand much more than 4 feet high. Their true size is apparent from their weight, however, as most tip the scales at more than 170 pounds, and the fattest among them weigh 300 pounds or more. Their hands and feet are lightly webbed, but their fingers are nimble. Vodyanoi are completely amphibian, capable of staying underwater without needing to breathe air, and able to stay on dry land for days or weeks, as long as they can wet down their skins with at least 1 gallon of fresh water per day. Failing to do so will lead to a swift decline in overall health. Saltwater and stagnant water are both unhealthy for vodyanoi, and are unsuitable for this purpose. Vodyanoi can survive in nearly any temperature, as long as water is present. Tribes can flourish in tropical lagoons as easily as in frozen lakes.


Vodyanoi are so common that in most regions they are not given a second glance. Even the anti-xenian racists of New Crobuzon tend to tolerate the vodyanoi more than they do the other races.

Vodyanoi Lands

Vodyanoi are nearly as numerous as humans in mid-Rohagi. Most Rohagi cities have a sizable vodyanoi population, and small tribes flourish along most waterways and lakes. The largest concentration of vodyanoi is in and around the Cold Claw Loch, which is home to the aquapolis city-state of Gharcheltist. Further north is the loose vodyanoi kingdom of Jangsach.


Many vodyanoi worship Palgolak, a god of knowledge and learning, although there are plenty of vodyanoi who revere other deities. They are so widespread that their religious beliefs vary almost as much as humans’ do.


Most vodyanoi who reside around humans speak Ragamoll, although they do possess their own language, which has fractured into numerous distinctive regional dialects, including Lubbock Vodyanoi (spoken in eastern Rohagi, including New Crobuzon,) Southern Vodyanoi, and Fellid Vodyanoi (spoken in western and northern Rohagi.)

Torque & Thaumaturgy (Magic)

All vodyanoi have some skill at watercraft, as they refer to elemental water thaumaturgy. This thaumaturgy is not as formal as human thaumaturgy, but rather is a sort of folkloric thaumaturgy focused on shamanic channeling and shaping of water energies. This natural affinity leads many vodyanoi down the paths of more advanced thaumaturgical learning.

Special Abilities

Racial Traits

+2 Charisma, -2 Wisdom


Medium creatures, vodyanoi have no special bonuses or penalties due to their size.


Vodyanoi base land speed is 20 feet. Their swimming base speed is 40 feet.

Webbed Peripherals

Vodyanoi have a +8 racial bonus on any Swim check to perform some special action or avoid a hazard. They can always take 10 on a Swim check, even if distracted or endangered. Vodyanoi can use the run action while swimming, provided they swim in a straight line.

Water Dependence

A vodyanoi must use at least 1 gallon of fresh water per day to keep his skin moist. For every 24 hours that this does not occur, the vodyanoi will suffer a temporary -2 Constitution damage until such a time as the vodyanoi can adequately wet his skin. Additionally, after the first 24 hours without water, the vodyanoi will become fatigued; an additional 24 hours will result in exhaustion.

Addionally, a vodyanoi who merely passes within 5 feet of a water source or a permanent spell effect is entitled to a perception check to notice it. This ability does not tell the vodyanoi any details, such as the school, strength, or nature of the spell.

Torque Touched

Vodyanoi gain a +2 racial saving throw bonus against illusion spells or effects.

Low-Light Vision

Vodyanoi can see twice as far as a human in starlight, moonlight, and similar conditions of poor illumination. They retain the ability to distinguish color and detail under these conditions.


Vodyanoi have the incredible ability to shape water to suit their needs. This ability allows a vodyanoi to affect water as per either the spell control water or stone shape (but affecting water instead of stone,) cast as a sorcerer of a level equal to his class level. A vodyanoi can use this ability a number of times per day equal to his Charisma modifier. The duration of these spells changes to Concentration +3 rounds.