The Eras

A Brief explanation of the eras that break the Bas-Lag timeline in two.

  • 4000 BC

    1 BC

    Before Crisies (BC)
    Era beginning/end

    Before Crisies (pron. Cry-sees): A time period existing before the "crisis" there is very little detail regarding what exactly the crisis was or whether it was a singular event or many concurrent ones but it's effects on the land were devastating. Many races lost their homes and as a result have no homeland to call their own. (Vodyanoi and Khepri are such examples). Scientific research is being conducted and archaeological expeditions are trying to find out what exactly occured during this otherwise prosperous period.

  • 0 BC

    The Crisies
    Disaster / Destruction

    The exact date is unknown but a major disaster (or numerous disasters happening simultaneously) befall the entire world displacing populations. Believed to have occurred around 1778 years ago but given the lack of information this could be longer

  • 1 AC

    1778 AC

    After Crisies (AC)
    Era beginning/end

    After Crisies (AC): The current era. It is believed that the crisies occured 1778 years ago although there is little evidence to uphold this belief.... regardless the current year is documented as 1778AC and technology has advanced substantially to a point where steam power and electricity has been invented, albeit still rudimentary. Common folks rarely have access to this new found tech, whereas the militia, the wealthy and powerful have access to the marvels of the modern world