
Arcanum is a rare and highly coveted gemstone that is found exclusively in the stone near the Great Barrier, a mystical force field that separates the world of mortals from the realm of the divine. The gemstone is characterized by its striking blue and golden hues, which seem to shimmer and shift in the light, almost as if they were alive.
  What makes Arcanum so valuable to wizards, clerics, and artificers is its unique property of being able to absorb and store magical energy without depleting the strength of the user. This means that when used in the creation of magical items, Arcanum allows for the creation of powerful enchantments and spells without the need for the creator to exhaust their own magical resources.
  The mining and extraction of Arcanum is a dangerous and highly specialized process, requiring skilled miners and craftsmen who are trained in the art of working with magical materials. The gemstone is often found in veins that are infused with raw magical energy, which makes the process of extracting it both difficult and hazardous.
  Despite the risks, Arcanum is highly sought after by magical practitioners of all kinds, and its rarity and value have made it a highly coveted commodity in many parts of the world. The gemstone is often traded at exorbitant prices, and is considered a symbol of power and prestige among those who possess it.


  For every ounce of Arcanum that a crafter uses when creating a magical item, they are allowed to reduce the experience cost by 25. Half of the cost of creating magical items, or XP casting components, can be used in this way. Arcanum has a market cost of 125 g per ounce.
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