
The Arctrain is a marvel of magical engineering, running on a system of enchanted pylons that create a track of magical energy that the train runs on. The track runs across the vast and treacherous expanse of the Span, offering a safe and swift passage for those who can afford it. The train itself is a sleek and modern miracle, with luxurious carriages outfitted with plush seating, elegant dining cars, and private compartments for the most discerning of passengers. The Railroad has become a symbol of status and prestige, with many of the upper class favoring it as their preferred method of travel. Despite its many comforts, however, the Railroad is not without its dangers, with many dangers lurking in the untamed wilderness of the Span that threaten the safety of its passengers.  

Distance and Cost

  The Arctrain can cover 60 miles in one hour, comfortably and up to 90 if pushed. Making it the fastest overland travel besides using the waypoints in Bastion. A ticket will run a passenger 25 gold per hour that they would need to ride the train.   From end to end, the Arctrain Track is 360 miles. Going from Epock to Ironclad would take 7.5 hours with stops and cost 150 gold per passenger.  

Time of the Train

  If you wish to ride the train, you must purchase a ticket at the local stations in Epoch, Moonstone, Thunderstone, Driftwood, Rosewood, Eldergate, Waveshire, Silverhaven, Vespera, or Ironclad. The trains leave the station in  


  When purchasing your ticket you are granted a holding area large enough to hold one horse, an overhead large enough enough for 4 cubic feet of gear. Weapons and gear are allowed to be carried on the Arctrain, but pulling your weapon is punishable by a 500 gold fine, and up to 2 years hard labor. Nothing larger than a backpack can be carried on your person at anytime.   You may pay for extra storage at a cost of 10 gold per cubic feet.
The Artificer's of Epoch the Arctrain and the railway nearly 100 years ago. It is thought to be the safest form of travel in the Span
Last Bastion Homepage
Locastion Morning Arrival Evening Cost Between
Epoch 8th 20th 17g
Moonstone 8th hour & half 19th hour & quarter-till 17g
Thunderstone 9th hour 19th hour 17g
Driftwood 9th hour & quarter 18th hour & quarter till 8g 5s
Rosewood 9th hour & quarter-till 18th Hour 17g
Eldergate 10th hour & quarter 17th hour & quarter 17g
Waveshire 11th hour 16th hour & half 18g 7s 5c
Silverhaven 11th hour & quarter-till 16th hour 18g 7s 5c
Vespera 12th hour & quarter-till 15th hour & half 25g
Ironclad 14th -