
Atheon, often revered as the Justicar, is the lawful good god of truth, protection, and righteous holy warfare. His divine presence is a beacon of hope and justice for the inhabitants of Daithron, inspiring his followers to uphold the virtues of honor, valor, and the unyielding pursuit of truth. Atheon's influence stretches across the land, guiding those who seek to illuminate the darkest corners of the world with the light of righteousness.  


Atheon's symbol is a radiant sun, often depicted with a sword or shield at its center, signifying the dual nature of his protection and martial prowess.  


The followers of Atheon are a dedicated and virtuous group, often comprising paladins, noble warriors, and goodly clerics. These devout individuals are committed to bringing light and justice to the world, often venturing into the most perilous regions of Daithron to combat evil and corruption. Their unwavering dedication to the ideals of truth and protection makes them stalwart defenders of the innocent and adversaries of darkness.  


Followers of Atheon are easily recognizable by their distinctive attire. They tend to wear capes of orange and yellow, representing the suns and light that symbolize their god's divine radiance. These capes are often adorned with the emblem of a sun, further emphasizing their commitment to illuminating the world with Atheon's truth and justice.  

Paladins of Atheon

Paladins of Atheon are among his most devoted servants. These holy warriors take sacred oaths to uphold the principles of truth and justice, dedicating their lives to protecting the innocent and vanquishing evil. They are known for their courage and unyielding spirit, often leading the charge in battles against the forces of darkness.  

Clerics of Atheon

Clerics who worship Atheon are blessed with divine magic that aids them in their mission to spread light and protect the weak. These clerics are often found at the forefront of healing and community-building efforts, using their powers to mend both physical and spiritual wounds.  

Noble Warriors Noble warriors who follow Atheon are paragons of virtue and chivalry. They are often drawn from the ranks of knights and champions who seek to embody the highest ideals of honor and righteousness. These warriors are known for their fair and just leadership, often inspiring others to follow in their noble footsteps.  

Temples and Holy Sites

Temples dedicated to Atheon are grand and imposing structures, often built in strategic locations to serve as bastions of light and protection. These temples are adorned with symbols of the sun and light, and are places where followers gather to seek guidance, receive blessings, and prepare for their holy missions. The central altar of an Atheon temple usually features a large, radiant sun symbol, serving as a focal point for worship and meditation.  

Holy Days and Festivals

Day of Illumination: A sacred day where followers gather to celebrate the triumph of light over darkness. This festival is marked by processions, feasts, and the lighting of large bonfires.
The Justicar’s Vigil A solemn event where followers spend the night in prayer and meditation, seeking Atheon's guidance and reaffirming their commitment to truth and protection.  
Atheon Holy Symbol.png
Alignment: Lawful Good   Domains: Law, Protection, Sun, War   Favored Weapon: Scimatar   Herald: Solar
  Allies: Hound archons, astral devas, and planetars
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