
Belziron, the formidable barbed devil, bears the scars of a fierce battle with Vexoneth, a powerful rival in the infernal hierarchy. Gravely wounded and fearing the wrath and demotion that awaited him should his master discover his weakened state, Belziron sought refuge in a soul gem hidden within the Material Plane. This particular soul gem found its way into the possession of Malakai, the leader of the notorious Nightshade Syndicate.   To secure his secrecy and ensure his survival, Belziron struck a pact with Malakai. In exchange for keeping the barbed devil's presence concealed, Malakai gains the abilites to use Belziron's spell like abilities from within the soul gem as long as the soul gem replaces his heart. Belziron, bound within the gem, lurks in the shadows, observing the rogue leader's actions and relying on him for protection.   While trapped within the soul gem, Belziron eagerly awaits the opportunity to regain his strength and reestablish his dominance within the infernal hierarchy. He plots and schemes, patiently biding his time until the moment is right to reclaim his power and seek vengeance upon his adversaries. The unholy alliance between Belziron and Malakai holds the potential for devastating consequences, as their mutual objectives intertwine in a sinister dance of ambition and survival.  
Belziron 2048.jpg
Lawful Evil
Current Location
Current Residence
12' 6"
2200 lbs
Last Bastion Homepage

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