Church of Heironeous

Church of Heironeous, also known as the Temple of Valor, is the sacred abode of the Church of Heironeous. With its primary presence in Ironclad, a thriving mining city in the southern reaches of the Span, the church also maintains a majestic sanctuary within the imposing walls of the Bastion, a grand citadel nestled in the heart of the metropolis, Epoch. Seraphina Stormrider, a formidable human adorned with cascading locks of fiery red hair, stands as the esteemed leader of this righteous congregation. Revered for her awe-inspiring displays of strength and unwavering devotion to justice, she embodies the virtues upheld by the Church of Heironeous. Within the Radiant Halls, worshippers gather to seek guidance, honor the tenets of courage, and beseech the blessings of Heironeous, the God of Valor. The resplendent halls resound with fervent prayers and the echo of righteous deeds, inspiring all who enter to embrace bravery and stand against the forces of darkness.
Alternative Names
Hall of Valor
Notable Members
Last Bastion Homepage