Cult of the Nameless One

The militant order of warriors you describe is known as the "Cult of the Nameless One" and they are fanatical devotees of an ancient, nameless snake god. According to their beliefs, this god was a partner of the deity that created the universe, but it was cast out for its evil nature. The Cult of the Nameless One believe that by making sacrifices to this god, they can help mend its broken body and restore it to its former glory.   The Cult of the Nameless One is composed mostly of yuan-ti purebloods, although they are known to recruit members of other races who share their devotion to the snake god. They are a shadowy organization that operates in secret, using their knowledge of ancient rituals and dark magic to carry out their twisted mission.   The members of the Cult of the Nameless One are fierce warriors who use a variety of weapons, including swords, spears, and bows. They are known for their agility and cunning, and they are not afraid to use poison and other underhanded tactics to achieve their goals.   Despite their fearsome reputation, the Fang Guard is a deeply divided organization, with different factions vying for power and influence within the group. Some members believe that the snake god is a force for good, while others see it as a malevolent entity that must be appeased at all costs.   The ultimate goals of the Fang Guard are shrouded in mystery, but it is clear that they are willing to go to any lengths to achieve their objectives. Those who cross their path do so at their own peril.  
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