

Erapheil, revered as the Flame of Healing, is the lawful good goddess of fire, healing, good, and purification. Her divine presence is a source of warmth and solace for the inhabitants of Daithron, inspiring her followers to bring comfort, health, and renewal to those in need. Erapheil’s influence spreads far and wide, guiding those who seek to heal the wounds of both body and spirit with the purifying flames of her divine grace.  


Erapheil’s holy symbol is a drop of blood within a burst of flame, representing the dual nature of her healing power and the purifying fire that cleanses impurities and brings renewal.  


The followers of Erapheil are dedicated and compassionate individuals, often comprising clerics who are committed to the arts of healing and purification. However, most people in Daithron revere Erapheil for her association with health and well-being, seeking her blessings in times of sickness and strife.  


Followers of Erapheil are easily recognizable by their distinctive attire. They tend to wear capes and robes of dark red, signifying their devotion to healing blood but also the flames of renewal. These garments are often adorned with the emblem of a drop of blood in a fire burst, further emphasizing their commitment to Erapheil’s principles of healing and purification.  

Clerics of Erapheil

Clerics of Erapheil are among her most devoted servants. These healers take sacred oaths to uphold the principles of health and purification, dedicating their lives to mending wounds and purging impurities. They are known for their compassion and unyielding spirit, often found in hospitals, healing temples, and on the battlefield, tending to the injured and the sick.  

Revered by the People

While clerics form the core of Erapheil’s followers, her influence extends to the general populace. Many people in Daithron revere Erapheil for her association with health, seeking her blessings in times of illness or injury. Offerings and prayers to Erapheil are common, with people asking for her divine touch to heal their ailments and purify their souls.  

Temples and Holy Sites

Temples dedicated to Erapheil are sanctuaries of healing and purification, often built in central locations where they can serve the greatest number of people. These temples are adorned with symbols of fire and blood, and are places where followers gather to seek healing, receive blessings, and perform purification rituals. The central altar of an Erapheil temple usually features a large, radiant symbol of a drop of blood in a fire burst, serving as a focal point for worship and meditation.  

Holy Days and Festivals

Day of Renewal: A sacred day where followers gather to celebrate the power of healing and purification. This festival is marked by healing ceremonies, purification rituals, and the lighting of sacred flames. The Purifying Flame: A solemn event where followers spend the night in prayer and meditation, seeking Erapheil’s guidance and reaffirming their commitment to healing and purification.  
Alignment: Lawful Good   Domains: Fire, Healing, Good, Purification   Favored Weapon: Quarterstaff   Herald: Solar
  Allies: Fire elementals, astral devas, and planetars
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