
King Eraidor   In the land of Elfholme, there rules a king who is unlike any other. His name is Eriador, and he is known throughout the land as the Stern. Eriador is a mighty elf, born of noble blood and blessed with long life. He has ruled his kingdom for eight hundred years, and in that time, he has brought it to new heights of prosperity and power. Eriador is a stern and uncompromising ruler. He demands absolute loyalty and obedience from his subjects, and he brooks no dissent or disobedience. His people respect him, for he is a just and wise king, and he has led them to many great victories in battle. Under his rule, the elves of Elfholme have prospered and grown in strength and influence.   But Eriador has little love for other races. He believes that the elves are the purest and most noble of all the races of the world, and he looks down upon humans, dwarves, and all other lesser races. His greatest hatred, however, is reserved for half-elves. He sees them as a corruption of the elven bloodline, and he despises them with a fierce and burning passion.   This hatred has driven a wedge between Eriador and his children. They were raised in a world where their father's views were unquestioned, and they grew up believing that half-elves were inferior and unworthy. But as they grew older, they began to question their father's harsh views, and they could not abide his cruelty towards half-elves.   One by one, Eriador's children left the kingdom of Elf home. Some went into self-imposed exile, unable to bear the weight of their father's hatred. Others joined with the half-elves, fighting against their father's tyranny and oppression. Eriador was deeply saddened by their departure, but he remained unyielding in his beliefs.   Despite the loss of his children, Eriador still rules his kingdom with an iron fist. He has grown more isolated and bitter as time has gone on, and his people fear and loathe him. But even in the darkest of his days, Eriador remains unyielding in his hatred for half-elves. He knows that his views are unpopular and controversial, but he believes that he is doing what is best for his people.   As Eriador moves to the etherial, his people begin to wonder what will become of Elfholme after his passing. Many fear that his hatred for half-elves will lead to conflict and unrest, and they worry that his legacy will be one of division and strife. But for now, Eriador remains on the throne, ruling over a kingdom that is divided and uncertain.
King Eriador is a stern and regal figure, with a commanding presence and an air of authority that demands respect from his subjects. He is deeply committed to preserving the traditions and culture of the elven people, and is not afraid to make difficult decisions or take bold actions in order to protect his kingdom. Eriador is a skilled diplomat and strategist, and is known for his keen intellect and sharp wit. He is an excellent judge of character, and can often sense when someone is not being entirely truthful or is hiding something from him.   Despite his formidable reputation, Eriador is also known for his sense of fairness and his commitment to justice. He is a staunch advocate for the rights of all citizens of Elfholme, regardless of their race or background, and is not afraid to challenge the prejudices and biases that still linger within his society.   As for his quirk, Eriador is a stickler for politeness and etiquette, and expects the same from those around him. He is known to become visibly irritated when people do not follow the proper protocols for addressing him or other members of the court, and can sometimes become overly fixated on even the smallest breaches of etiquette. However, this quirk is balanced by his genuine warmth and kindness towards those who show him respect and courtesy, making him a beloved figure among his loyal subjects.
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