
(a.k.a. The Many, The Many-Horned God, The Lord of the Insane, The Prince of Discord, The Bringer of Ruin)

The god of slaughter, Erythnul, is chaotic evil. His title is the Many. Erythnul delights in panic and slaughter. In civilized lands, his followers (including evil fighters, barbarians, and rogues) form small, criminal cults. In savage lands, evil barbarians, gnolls, bugbears, ogres, and trolls commonly worship him. The domains he is associated with are Chaos, Evil, Trickery, and War. His favored weapon is a morningstar with a blunt stone head.   Followers of Erythnul must pray for spells within 1 hour of sunset, sunrise, noon, or midnight. Which is revealed to you daily.

Divine Domains

Erythnul, the god's divine domains are Chaos, Evil, Strength, and War. These domains reflect the aspects of Erythnul's portfolio as a deity of destruction and chaos, inspiring his followers to commit acts of violence and mayhem in his name. The Chaos and Evil domains reflect Erythnul's alignment as a chaotic evil deity, while the Strength and War domains reflect his followers' focus on physical prowess and martial skill. As a result, clerics who worship Erythnul can gain access to spells that reflect these domains, such as those that enhance their own strength and combat abilities, or those that cause chaos and destruction on the battlefield.


The Sword of Chaos: Also known as the Sword of Erythnul, this weapon is said to be a powerful, sentient blade that inspires madness and bloodlust in its wielder. It is described as being wreathed in chaotic energy and capable of cutting through nearly any substance.   The Talisman of Ultimate Evil: This artifact is said to be a powerful amulet that enhances the magical abilities of its wearer, particularly those related to the domains of Chaos and Evil. It is also believed to have the power to corrupt those who come into contact with it, turning them towards darkness and evil.   The Skull of Erythnul: This artifact is said to be the actual skull of Erythnul himself, imbued with his divine power and capable of granting immense power to those who possess it. It is also believed to be capable of controlling undead creatures and other dark entities.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Embrace chaos: Erythnul's followers may believe that the world is best served by embracing chaos and disorder, as it allows for the strong to rise to the top and the weak to be culled.   Pursue strength: Erythnul's worshipers may prioritize physical strength and martial prowess, seeing these as key to achieving their goals and defeating their enemies.   Destroy your enemies: Erythnul's followers may view violence and destruction as a necessary means to achieving their ends, and may seek to destroy anyone who opposes them.   Show no mercy: Erythnul's worshipers may view mercy as weakness, and may see it as their duty to show no mercy to their enemies or anyone who stands in their way.
Alignment: Chaotic Evil   Domains: Chaos, Evil, Trickery, and War   Favored Weapon: Morningstar
Divine Classification
Lesser DIety
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