Frostfall Trading company

The Frostfall Trading Company, led by Jorn, is a prominent business entity within the wintery city of Frostfall. Jorn himself is a shrewd and savvy businessman, with an almost uncanny ability to sniff out profitable deals and bargains. His company specializes in the trading of furs, pelts, and other goods that are particularly suited to the harsh, cold climate of the region.   Jorn runs a tight ship, and is known for his strict but fair business practices. He demands a high level of professionalism from his employees, and his traders are expected to conduct themselves with integrity and respect. Despite his business acumen, Jorn is also a compassionate and charitable individual, and his company is known for its generosity towards the less fortunate citizens of Frostfall.   The Frostfall Trading Company has a reputation for providing its customers with the highest quality goods at fair prices. Jorn and his team are adept at navigating the often treacherous waters of the business world, and have formed valuable alliances with other traders and merchants throughout the region. In addition to its fur and pelt exports, the company also deals in precious metals, rare jewels, and other luxury goods.   Overall, the Frostfall Trading Company is a key player in the city's economy, and Jorn is considered to be one of the most influential figures within Frostfall's business community. Despite the many challenges that come with running a successful trading company in such a harsh and unforgiving environment, Jorn remains steadfast in his commitment to ensuring that the Frostfall Trading Company continues to thrive and prosper for generations to come.  


  You can barter with Jorn to travel to other ports in the land and make 5 gold a day as a fisherman if you're interested. The trading company can get most raw items under 500 gp.
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