
Garth is a man of middle age, with a relatively clean-shaven face that accentuates his thin frame. He has piercing blue eyes that seem to scan every patron who enters his establishment, and a sharp wit to match. Garth has been running the Silver Crescent Tavern in Moonstonefor over a decade, and he takes great pride in its upkeep and success. He's always impeccably dressed in a crisp white shirt and black trousers, and he moves with a fluid grace that belies his age. Despite his thin frame, Garth is incredibly strong and has a knack for breaking up bar brawls with minimal effort. He's friendly with his patrons, but he's also no-nonsense when it comes to enforcing the rules of his tavern.
Garth, the owner of the Silver Crescent Tavern, has always had a dream of traveling the world and tasting different types of exotic drinks. He has spent his entire life behind the bar, listening to stories of adventurers and travelers passing through his tavern, and he has always longed to experience the same thrill of exploration himself. Garth is now in his golden years, and his health is starting to decline, but he is determined to make his dream a reality before it's too late. He has started to save his earnings from the tavern and has begun to plan his journey, hoping that he will be able to see and taste everything he has always wanted to before he passes away.
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