
Halflings, a rare and diminutive race within the Epochian Span, are known for their small stature and unassuming presence. They do not have a specific homeland of their own but can often be found residing between the towns of Hatchberry and the human capital of Epoch. Despite their size, Halflings possess a resilience and resourcefulness that belies their appearance.   Halflings often face the challenge of being looked down upon by larger races, who tend to perceive them as perpetual children. This condescending attitude can lead others to underestimate the abilities and potential of Halflings. However, Halflings possess a tenacity and ingenuity that allows them to overcome obstacles and surprise their detractors.  


  • +2 Dexterity, -2 Strength.
  • Small: As a Small creature, a halfling gains a +1 size bonus to Armor Class, a +1 size bonus on attack rolls, and a +4 size bonus on Hide checks, but she uses smaller weapons than humans use, and her lifting and carrying limits are three-quarters of those of a Medium character.
  • Halfling base land speed is 20 feet.
  • +2 racial bonus on Climb, Jump, Listen, and Move Silently checks.
  • +1 racial bonus on all saving throws.
  • +2 morale bonus on saving throws against fear: This bonus stacks with the halfling’s +1 bonus on saving throws in general.
  • +1 racial bonus on attack rolls with thrown weapons and slings.
  • Automatic Languages: Common and Halfling. Bonus Languages: Dwarven, Elven, Gnome, Goblin, and Orc.
  • Favored Class: Rogue. A multiclass halfling’s rogue class does not count when determining whether she takes an experience point penalty for multiclassing.
  Alignment   Halflings tend to be neutral. But can exhibit a wide range of alignments, just like individuals of any other race. While they may face discrimination and be looked down upon, their actions and values can vary greatly based on personal experiences and choices.

Basic Information


Halflings, despite their small stature, enjoy a relatively long lifespan in the Epochian Span, with an average life expectancy of around 150 years. This extended lifespan allows them to accumulate a wealth of experiences and wisdom throughout their lives.   Halfling males have an average height of 3 feet 1 inch, while females are slightly shorter, standing at around 2 feet 11 inches. Due to their small size, Halflings are lightweight as well, with males weighing approximately 35 pounds and females weighing around 30 pounds. These physical characteristics make them agile and nimble, allowing them to navigate their surroundings with ease.

Genetics and Reproduction

The union between a Halfling and any other race does not result in offspring. Due to the significant biological differences between Halflings and other races, their reproductive compatibility is limited. However, when a Halfling and a human come together in a union, their offspring takes after the race of the mother. This means that if the mother is a Halfling, the child will also be a Halfling, while if the mother is human, the child will be human. This pattern reflects the dominant traits passed down through the maternal lineage.

Growth Rate & Stages

Halflings reach adulthood around the age of 20, marking their transition into full-fledged members of society within the Epochian Span. They experience middle age at approximately 50 years old, a phase where they may start to reflect on their accomplishments and settle into more stable lives. At the age of 100, they are considered elderly, but it is worth noting that halflings have been known to live well beyond this milestone. In their twilight years, which extend beyond the age of 100, halflings continue to embrace life with their characteristic vigor and zest. Despite the physical limitations that may come with age, they maintain their curiosity and lighthearted approach to the world. Their longevity allows them to accumulate a wealth of wisdom and experiences over the course of their extended lives.   Halflings often find common ground with half-elves due to their similar age ranges. Both races share a relatively longer lifespan compared to other common races, allowing them to forge enduring friendships and engage in deeper connections. The bond between halflings and half-elves can be strengthened by their shared experiences and a mutual understanding of the passage of time.
150 years
Average Height
Male: 3'1"
Female: 2'11"
Average Weight
Male: 35lbs
Female: 30lbs"
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