
The god of tyranny, Hextor, is lawful evil. His titles are Champion of Evil, Herald of Hell, and Scourge of Battle. Hextor is the six-armed god of war, conflict, and destruction. Hextor’s worshipers include evil fighters and monks. The domains he is associated with are Destruction, Evil, Law, and War. His favored weapon is the flail. He sends his followers to commit evil, and their special purpose is to overthrow the followers of his half-brother Heironeous wherever they are found.  


Hextor is commonly portrayed as a grotesque humanoid with gray skin, six arms, and imposing tusks protruding from its lower jaw. He is often seen donning armor adorned with skulls and brandishing an array of weapons, including a spiked flail, a battle axe, a battle pick, a longsword, a mace, and a falchion in each of his six hands. In an alternate form, Hextor appears as a youthful and athletic male with dark hair and fair skin.   Hextor's domain is the formidable citadel known as Scourgehold, situated within the realm of Acheron. Within Scourgehold, Hextor exercises authority over his legions, overseeing their rigorous training within the confines of the Great Coliseum.  


Congregations devoted to Hextor we once prominent in the and especially prevalent throughout the North Kingdom, where Hextor's church holds the official status of state religion. Followers of Hextor who do not embrace evil tendencies find solace in the security and order that the Scourge of Battle represents. They hold the belief that only Hextor's stern order can ultimately establish perfect justice for all, and they justify their methods as necessary means to achieve this end. However, their preference lies in first educating those who do not share their beliefs, resorting to force only when alternative approaches prove ineffective. They regard slavery as a regrettable but essential institution upon which civilization is founded. They emphasize the proper care of their slaves but insist that slaves must unquestionably obey their masters' will.   Followers of Hextor must pray for spells within 1 hour of midnight.
Alignment: Lawful Evil   Domains: Destruction, Evil, Law, and War   Favored Weapon: Flail
Divine Classification
Intermediate God
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