Holidays of the Span

Boccob's Day - Readying 1 - A day dedicated to the god of magic and knowledge, marked by arcane displays and competitions.
  Feast of Ehlonna - Flocktime 15 - A celebration of the goddess of forests and fertility, often involving hunts and feasts.
  Fharlanghn's Return - Wealsun 1 - A day of travel and exploration, commemorating the god's first journey across the world.
  Heironeous' Day - Reaping 15 - A day of honor and chivalry, often marked by tournaments and demonstrations of martial prowess.
  Hextor's Triumph - Wealsun 5 - A day of conquest and domination, celebrating the god of war and tyranny.
  Kord's Feast - Planting 30 - A day of athletic competition and revelry, dedicated to the god of sports and strength.
  Moradin's Day - Coldeven 15 - A day of creation and craftsmanship, honoring the god of dwarves and metalworking.
  The Night of the Reaper - Reaping 27 - A solemn day of remembrance for the dead, associated with the god of death, Nerull.
  Olidammara's Revel - Goodmonth 1 - A day of music, dance, and wine, dedicated to the god of revelry and entertainment.
  Pelor's Ascension - Richfest 1 - A day of light and healing, celebrating the sun god's triumph over darkness.
  St. Cuthbert's Day - Needfest 12 - A day of justice and order, marked by sermons and acts of charity in honor of the god of retribution.
  Wee Jas' Night - Brewfest 31 - A night of divination and vanity, dedicated to the goddess of death and magic.
  Yondalla's Feast - Flocktime 21 - A day of community and harvest, celebrating the goddess of halflings and fertility.
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