Lady Isadora

Lady Isadora was born into a noble family and was the only child of Lord Frederick and Lady Eliza of Goldcrest. Her father was a wise and just ruler who was loved by his people. When Isadora was just a teenager, her father suddenly disappeared under mysterious circumstances, leaving no clues as to his whereabouts. This event had a profound impact on Isadora, and she resolved to one day find out what really happened to her father.   Isadora married young to a wealthy merchant named Reynard, hoping that his resources could help her find out more about her father's disappearance. However, the marriage was loveless, and they had no children. Eventually, Reynard passed away from a sudden illness, leaving Isadora to rule Goldcrest on her own.   Isadora has always been a shrewd and cunning politician, always keeping a close eye on her rivals and enemies. Her main goal as the Lady of Goldcrest has been to bring prosperity to her people and maintain a peaceful and stable rule. Her main source of income comes from the extensive gold mines that are located in the hills outside of the city.   Despite her best efforts, rumors and whispers about her father's disappearance have never truly died down. Many believe that he was assassinated by a rival faction or that he was kidnapped by a powerful mage. Isadora has always been determined to find out the truth but has never been able to find any solid leads.   There are many other businesses in Goldcrest, including blacksmiths, carpenters, and cloth merchants. However, Isadora keeps a close eye on all of them, making sure that they are paying their taxes and following the laws of the land.   As for political intrigue, Isadora is always wary of the neighboring cities. She knows that they would love nothing more than to see her kingdom fall, and she has taken many steps to ensure that this never happens. However, there are whispers that some of her own advisors may be plotting against her, and Isadora must always be on her guard.
Date of Birth
8th of Coldeven
Year of Birth
569 CY 27 Years old
5' 8"
135 lbs
Last Bastion Homepage

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