
Leyriora, the Chaotic Neutral goddess of love and carnal pleasure, is a deity who embraces the sensual and passionate aspects of existence. She is worshipped by those who seek to explore and celebrate the joys of physical pleasure, love, and temptation. Leyriora's presence is felt in every act of passion, every flirtation, and every embrace that honors the beauty of the physical form and the power of desire. Domains  


Leyriora is depicted as a tall, striking woman adorned in flowing garments of gold and violet, with hair that matches her attire. Her appearance exudes both elegance and sensuality, embodying the allure and passion she represents.  


Alorara Alorara, a powerful female titan, serves as the herald of Leyriora. She embodies the divine strength and beauty of the goddess, often acting as a protector and enforcer of Leyriora’s will.  



Leyriora's clergy consists exclusively of priestesses, women dedicated to the exploration and celebration of love, pleasure, and temptation. These priestesses are skilled in the arts of seduction, endurance, and the myriad ways to bring joy and satisfaction to others. They serve as spiritual guides, helping followers connect with Leyriora through rituals and acts of devotion.  


Though Leyriora’s clergy is composed of only women, she permits male paladins to serve as protectors of her priestesses and temples. These paladins are dedicated to safeguarding the sanctity of Leyriora’s worship and ensuring that her priestesses can perform their sacred duties without interference.  

Temples and Holy Sites

Temple Architecture

Temples dedicated to Leyriora are lavish and opulent, designed to reflect the beauty and sensuality of the goddess. Rich fabrics in gold and violet adorn the interiors, and the air is filled with the scent of exotic flowers and incense. Soft music and dim lighting create an atmosphere of intimacy and pleasure.  

Side Quarters

An essential feature of Leyriora's temples are the side quarters where worshippers can offer tribute with their bodies to the goddess. These quarters are private and luxurious, providing a safe and sacred space for followers to engage in acts of love and passion as a form of worship.   Holy Symbol Leyriora’s holy symbol is a lotus on a compass, representing the dual finding ones love and pleasures.  

Rituals and Festivals

The Festival of Passion The Festival of Passion is a major celebration in Leyriora’s honor, marked by feasting, dancing, and various forms of sensual entertainment. Followers come together to celebrate the joys of love and physical pleasure, engaging in rituals that honor the goddess’s domains.   The Night of Temptation
The Night of Temptation is a sacred time when worshippers are encouraged to explore their deepest desires and temptations. Priestesses guide followers through rituals designed to embrace and understand their personal pleasures and temptations, offering guidance and blessings from Leyriora.  

Reverence and Worship


Followers of Leyriora come from all walks of life, united by their appreciation for the pleasures and joys of the physical world. They seek her blessings for endurance, pleasure, and the strength to pursue their desires without shame or hesitation.


Rituals dedicated to Leyriora often involve acts of physical devotion, including dance, music, and intimate gatherings. These rituals are designed to honor the goddess by celebrating the beauty and power of the human form and the joy of sensual pleasure.   Followers of Leyriora must pray for spells within 1 hour before bed, the 10th hour.  
Leyriora 2048.png
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral   Domains: Endurance, Pleasure, and Temptation   Favored Weapon: Quarter Staff   Herald: Titan   Allies: Bralani eladrins, ghaele eladrins, and Huge earth elementals.  
Divine Classification
Lesser Deity
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