Lohre (Lore)

Lohre, a young and enthusiastic scholar, hailed from the charming city of Waveshire, nestled on the southern coast of the Epochian Span. Born into a family of book enthusiasts, he displayed an insatiable curiosity from a tender age. His parents, both librarians, nurtured his intellectual inclinations by surrounding him with a vast array of books and scrolls. He voraciously devoured the contents of these tomes, his imagination ignited by the stories of far-off realms, mystical creatures, and the secrets of the multiverse.   As Lohre reached his adolescent years, it became evident that his passion for knowledge was unparalleled. Inspired by tales of legendary explorers and scholars, he set his sights on a goal - to study the boundless planes of existence. His dreams led him to Rosewood, home to The College of Planar Study, one of the most esteemed institutions for extraplanar research. Under the mentorship of wise professors and surrounded by like-minded peers, Lohre embarked on his academic journey.   During his years at the college, Lohre delved deep into the esoteric aspects of the multiverse. He eagerly pored over ancient texts and manuscripts, learning the intricate art of planar travel, the cosmology of the planes, and the dynamics between various dimensions. His research encompassed realms of both light and shadow, from the celestial heights of the Upper Planes to the abyssal depths of the Lower Planes. Lohre developed a particular fascination with the City of Sigil, the enigmatic center of the multiverse, often referred to as the "City of Doors."   Upon completing his studies, Lohre returned to Waveshire, carrying with him a wealth of knowledge and a determination to share the wonders of the planes with his fellow townsfolk. He became a well-respected scholar, known for his lectures, books, and eloquent explanations of the intricacies of the multiverse. Lohre's passion for understanding the cosmos burned ever brighter, driving him to explore the mysterious corners of existence that lay beyond the reach of the common folk.   With a thirst for adventure and the wisdom of the planes at his disposal, Lohre stands as a beacon of enlightenment in Waveshire and beyond, guiding those who seek to unravel the secrets of the multiverse.
  Human Expert 3 1d20
NN Medium Humanoid (human)
Init +-1; Senses Listen +2, Spot +2
AC 9, touch9, flat-footed 10
hp 14 (3 HD)
Fort +1 Ref +0 Will +5
Speed 30ft.
Melee mwk dagger +1 (1d8+0) or
Ranged light crossbow+1 (1d8)
Base Atk +2, Grp +2
Combat Potion of mage armor, potion of cure light wounds
Abilities Str 10 Dex 7 Con 11 Int 17 Wis 14 Cha 10
Skills Appraise +9, concentration +6Feats Toughness, skill focus, skill focus
, knowledge (arcana) +9, knowledge (archetecture) +15, knowledge (geography) +9, knowledge (local) +9, knowledge (the planes) +15, profession +9, sense motive +8
Feats Toughness, skill focus, skill focus
Equipment mwk dagger, light crossbow, , , , , plus 372g
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