

  Medaro, often revered as the Keeper of Wilderness, is the Neutral god of the wilderness, governing the natural cycle of life and death. His divine presence embodies the balance of nature’s duality: the nurturing growth of life and the inevitable embrace of death. Medaro’s reverence of death is natural and pure, standing in opposition to Nerull, the god of unnatural death and the undead. His influence is felt deeply in the forests, plains, and wild places of Daithron, where the natural order reigns supreme.    


Medaro’s holy symbol is a wooden skull with plants life around the edges.  


The followers of Medaro are a diverse and dedicated group, comprising druids, rangers, and clerics who revere the natural world. His clerics are notably divided in their interpretation of his tenets, with some focusing on the god of wilderness life and others emphasizing the god of unforgiving death. This duality reflects the true essence of Medaro’s nature.  


Followers of Medaro often wear garments that reflect the natural world, with shades of green, brown, and earth tones. Their attire is typically adorned with symbols of nature, such as leaves, animals, and skeletal motifs, representing the cycle of life and death. The emblem of a tree with intertwined roots and branches is a common symbol worn by his clerics.  

Clerics of Life

Clerics who worship Medaro as the god of wilderness life focus on the nurturing and protective aspects of nature. They are often found in roles that involve healing, fostering growth, and protecting the natural world from harm. These clerics are seen as guardians of the wild and advocates for the balance of ecosystems.  

Clerics of Death

Clerics who worship Medaro as the god of unforgiving death emphasize the inevitability and natural order of death. They often serve as guides for the dying and protectors against the unnatural forces of undeath. These clerics are respected and sometimes feared, for they understand the finality and purity of death as a part of the natural cycle.  

Druids and Rangers

Druids and rangers who follow Medaro are devoted to preserving the natural world and maintaining the balance between life and death. They are often the stewards of forests, plains, and other wild areas, using their knowledge and skills to protect and nurture the wilderness.  

Temples and Holy Sites

Temples dedicated to Medaro are often simple and harmonious with their natural surroundings, blending seamlessly into the forests, plains, and mountains. These temples are adorned with symbols of nature and death, serving as sanctuaries for those who seek to honor the natural cycle of life. The central altar of a Medaro temple usually features a large tree with intertwined roots and branches, symbolizing the balance of life and death.  

Holy Days and Festivals

Day of Renewal: A sacred day where followers gather to celebrate the cycle of life and growth within nature. This festival is marked by planting ceremonies, animal blessings, and rituals to honor the living world. The Final Embrace: A solemn event where followers meditate on the inevitability of death and the importance of its place in the natural order. This event includes rituals to honor the dead and protect against the forces of undeath.  

Reverence and Worship

People across Daithron tend to revere Medaro when they enter the forest, seeking his protection and guidance. Medaro’s blessings are also sought during times of mourning, to ensure that loved ones pass peacefully into the afterlife and do not return as the undead. His dual nature as both a nurturer of life and a guardian of death makes him a vital deity in the lives of those who live close to nature.  
Alignment:  Neutral   Domains: Plant, Animal, Death, Glory   Favored Weapon: Spear   Herald: A level 20 celestial ranger   Allies: elementals, dire animals
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