
(a.k.a. The Reaper, the Foe of All Good, King of All Gloom, the Hater of Life, He Who Revels in the Slaying of the Living, the Bringer of Darkness)

The god of death, Nerull, is neutral evil. He is known as the Reaper, the Foe of All Good, Hater of Life, Bringer of Darkness, King of All Gloom, and Reaper of Flesh. Nerull is the patron of those who seek the greatest evil for their own enjoyment or gain.   The domains he is associated with are Death, Evil, and Trickery. His worshipers, who include evil necromancers and rogues, depict him as an almost skeletal cloaked figure who bears a scythe, his favored weapon.   Followers of Corellon must pray for spells within 1 hour of the witching hour, the 2nd hour.

Divine Domains

Nerull's divine domains typically include Death, Evil, and Trickery. These domains reflect his portfolio of influence and the types of powers and abilities that his followers can access through prayer and devotion to him.


The Crown of Horns: a dark and sinister artifact that grants its wearer the power to control undead and to absorb the life force of others.   The Sword of Lies: a cursed blade that instills fear and despair in its victims and can corrupt the minds of those who wield it.   The Mask of Death: a powerful artifact that grants its wearer the ability to see and communicate with the dead, and can summon undead creatures to do its bidding.   The Black Orb of Nerull: a mysterious and powerful artifact that is said to contain a fragment of Nerull's divine essence, granting its possessor immense power over death and undeath.

Tenets of Faith

Embrace the inevitability of death, and do not fear or shy away from it.   Seek power and mastery over the forces of death and darkness, and use them to further your own goals.   Show no mercy to those who oppose you or your lord, and do not hesitate to use violence or trickery to achieve your objectives.   Respect the dead and the undead, and honor them in your rituals and spells.   Eschew the light and the living, and embrace the shadows and the darkness.   Do not betray the secrets of the cult, and be prepared to defend them at all costs.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Nerull is usually seen as a black-robed skeleton with a rust-red body and green, ropy hair. He carries a staff called Lifecutter that at his command grows a scythe blade made of scarlet energy. He flies through the skies, slaying the living and undead alike, crumbling them to dust with a mere touch of his bony finger.
Alignment: Neutral Evil   Domains: Death, Evil, and Trickery   Favored Weapon: Scythe
Divine Classification
Greater Diety
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