
Rolf Tulfin

Rolf was born in a small village in the northern region of Frostfall. His parents were innkeepers, and he grew up learning the ins and outs of the business from a young age. When he was a teenager, his village was raided by bandits, and his parents were killed in the attack. Rolf managed to escape and fled south to the city of Frostfall. In Frostfall, Rolf began working at various inns and taverns, honing his skills and saving up money. He dreamed of one day owning his own inn and making a name for himself. After years of hard work, he finally had enough money to purchase the Frozen Hearth Inn, which was in a prime location near the city's main market.   Rolf quickly set to work renovating and improving the inn, making it a warm and welcoming place for travelers and locals alike. He worked tirelessly to ensure that every guest was comfortable and happy, and word of his exceptional hospitality soon spread throughout the city.   With his charming personality and dedication to his craft, Rolf quickly became one of the most respected and beloved innkeepers in Frostfall. Today, the Frozen Hearth Inn is a thriving business, known for its cozy atmosphere and delicious food and drinks, thanks in large part to Rolf's hard work and determination.


Social Aptitude

Rolf is a hardworking and dedicated man with a warm and friendly personality. He is known for his easygoing nature and his ability to make everyone feel welcome at the Frozen Hearth Inn. Rolf is also highly perceptive and is always quick to pick up on the needs and desires of his customers, often going above and beyond to ensure that they have an enjoyable stay at his inn. Despite the many challenges he has faced in his life, Rolf has remained optimistic and cheerful, always willing to lend a listening ear or a helping hand to anyone who needs it.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
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