Syndicate's Call

In the shadows of the four lake towns, a whispered name strikes fear into the hearts of the wary: the Nightshade Syndicate. Veiled in secrecy and shrouded in darkness, this clandestine organization of underground rogues weaves its web of crime and deceit. Rumors, like venomous tendrils, entwine tales of stolen innocence, their sinister hands snatching away the unsuspecting children who stray too far from safety.   From the depths of the night, the Nightshade Syndicate prowls, their eyes ever watchful, seeking those vulnerable to their malevolent designs. Masters of stealth and subterfuge, they navigate the labyrinthine alleys and winding streets, their presence heralded only by a chill breeze and the whispers of trepidation that linger in the air. Each member a skilled predator, honed in the arts of theft and manipulation, they strike with precision and vanish into the shadows without a trace.   But beware, for the Nightshade Syndicate's reach extends beyond the boundaries of thievery. With every stolen child, they sow seeds of chaos and despair, profiting from the desperation and heartbreak of families torn asunder. Their clandestine dealings cast a pall over the lake towns, haunting the dreams of both young and old alike.   Yet, the true depths of their dark machinations remain obscured, veiled behind layers of secrets and misdirection. The Nightshade Syndicate thrives in the shadows, elusive and enigmatic, manipulating the strings of power with unseen hands. Their motives remain murky, leaving only fear and speculation in their wake.   So beware, ye wanderers of the night, for the Nightshade Syndicate lingers, ever patient, ready to strike when you least expect it. Keep close your loved ones, stay vigilant, and pray you never cross paths with those who stalk the dark, for once ensnared by their tendrils, escape becomes but a distant hope.  
-Loreli Nightingale A Brief History of Laketowns